Red Pill Nation Hangout #248
1. 14:34 Elon Musk completes purchase of Twitter
1A) Twitter Employees Locked out of Editing
1B) Elon Owns AOC
1C) Twitter Executive Meeting Leaked to Project Veritas (Leftists not Happy) 2. 1:25:28 Amber Heard is getting destroyed in the lawsuit trial against Johnny Depp
3. 1:57:18 Mysterious Fires at Food Processing Plants
4. 2:38:56 Macron immediately starts a digital ID system in France after winning the election
5. 3:00:12 Batwoman is FINALLY getting canceled
6. 3:19:55 Joe Biden hires far-leftist to run Disinformation Governance Board inside Homeland Security (Nina Jankowicz)
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[–]larylootinge 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun - (0 children)