► ► SPOILERS ! ◄ ◄
These film breakdowns will assume you've seen these movies, or don't care.
Analyses that critically deconstruct movies, filmmaking, visual mediums, and genres, for their good, bad, and ugly qualities. Conscious, subconscious, and propaganda layers of meaning will be pealed back.
Higher-quality movie analyses preferred, please. If you're not sure what that means, check out some of the other posts for comparison.
If you're not sure whether your post belongs in /s/MovieAnalysis or /s/VideoEssays, you may submit to both. If it's only about movies then it shouldn't be in VideoEssays, but if it includes other contextual criticisms, such as art, history, philosophy, politics, etc. then it's welcome there too.
A video essay is usually a thematic expression or an argument thesis that may be formal, serious, with logical purpose, or may informal with personal elements, style, and humour, often like a documentary but light on investigative journalism.
A movie analysis is a breakdown of the structure of an existing feature film, including elements such as plots, characters, arcs, themes, meanings, Easter eggs, philosophy, propaganda, genre, visuals, cinematography, editing, screenwriting, and filmmaking. Some movie analyses may compare several movies or parts of them. Whether you like a movie you can still appreciate many aspects of the craft.
For specific details on the the craft, techniques, writing, shooting, editing, post, and production (including how-to information) visit /s/Filmmaking.
For movie experience reviews, recommendations, appreciations, and warnings without spoilers visit /s/MovieReviews.
For appreciations, details, and events of a movie experience visit /s/MovieCritiques, with spoilers.
See also:
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there doesn't seem to be anything here