Once there were competing tribes and within the dominant ones there was always some sort of a power hierarchy. Groups that didn't utilize hierarchy eventually died out because people in such groups lacked ambition - and ambition was what led to dominance - dominance by all means necessary. Hence, already very long ago humanity was defined by greedy ambition. As the tribes grew, there were some power struggles and many new tribes broke off of older groups where there were not enough positions of power available anymore. With greedy ambition being the dominant value, eventually only tribes of that philosophy remained.
There were clashes also between the new and old tribes as they competed for power but the more they waged war the weaker their leaders became. These leaders soon realized that war was a liability. With their personal power base dwindling due to losses of war, the reality was these old rulers risked their power more than they were able to gain by doing so. Essentially they jeopardized themselves by allowing upstart challengers a chance to supplant them as leaders of their tribe. With tribes competing against each other they all became weak internally which eroded their power also externally creating a double risk for the leaders.
These leaders of course did not really care about their tribes - they cared about their own power only. The tribes were merely instruments of power to them. Thus weakening their own tribe and status by all this war had become not only dangerous but counter-productive for them. In time some tribal leaders came up with a plan how to secure their own personal power and how to make sure their offspring would also secure their power. Instead of competing against other tribes the leaders would secretly unite with their rival leaders so that none of them could truly be challenged. If one leader's position in charge was in jeopardy, the other leaders would turn up to help, but they would do that in a covert way so that the union always remained a secret. In the long run only this strategy allowed continuous success in leadership so eventually this strategy became the basic blueprint for ruling the world.
Of course they would not utilize this strategy openly. Instead the leaders pretended to remain mortal enemies of each other as used to be the case. If people in tribe A became unruly, soldiers from tribe B could be called in to fix the issue by killing many of the 'unruly' people of tribe A. The way this was presented to the public was that tribe B had declared war on tribe A for whatever reason - they would always invent some bogus reason to explain the event to the public.
In practice not only did tribe A's leader get to cull his unruly subjects using the armed forces of tribe B, leader of tribe B would also get to cull his unruly subjects using the armed forces of tribe A. And the oppressed people on both sides would always believe that the other tribe was to blame.
Not only was the desired culling achieved, but more importantly the idea of 'enemy nations' was solidified in the minds of tribesmen everywhere. Whenever there were problems, the enemy nations could be blamed so that their own leaders got a free pass. To add to the long list of 'enemy nations' they would later go on to invent fully imaginary enemies too - that way they were able to control the desired narratives completely. With no basis in reality, these imaginary enemies became the perfect tool for control. Everything about these enemies could be made exactly as the leaders wanted, whatever best fit their needs.
The very key to maintaining their power was for the leaders to keep the secret unity between them. For this to work the union would always need to remain hidden from the masses. This is why the power structures of the world today had to originally be built upon foundation of deception. And upon deception its essence would always be built.
Eventually some of the regular people would start to figure things out despite all the efforts of these leaders. And this would always remain a problem. Such 'smart guys' would need to be kept in check of course, but an even more effective strategy would be to ramp up the deception to such degree that few would ever guess what was really happening behind the curtain. And this is exactly what these leaders set out to do. Only the best con men and their offspring would succeed in this strategy through the history which is why today the deception is so complete.
First they created religion. Employing mystics and scholars along with sages who understood the workings of the human mind, they collected data about folk lore, myths and tales they knew to be popular among the people and they then created a mythology with these elements embedded as decoration and disguise for their main ideology. This was to promote the idea that these leaders were in fact chosen by the gods to rule over their people. The myths and tales as well as rituals, statues and temples would prove that they were in fact telling the truth. Clearly the gods did favor these rulers as they blessed them with so much power, wealth and grandeur for what else could possibly explain it?
But some people even saw through this trick and were unimpressed. They would require something rational upon which to base their faith towards their rulers. They would require something more tangible.
So the leaders came up with a solution which they called law. By creating a system of law, the leaders could steer the values and behavior of their subjects. They included just enough useful things within this system of law to fool the masses. They would spend a lot of resources proving just how much justice could be achieved with the help of these laws. Little by little they were able to mold the values of their population to match their own desire - the desire that was centered around maintaining their own rule. If dissidents were to rise, they would be easy to portray as criminals or even terrorists to the masses. Apparently the law rather than the rulers themselves would judge these dissidents and the rulings would always be completely just and fair. The masses would not want to believe anything else of course lest they have to reconsider their own beliefs. The majority could hardly be wrong now could they?
This is how a hegemony was formed and from then on, world leaders would be determined by their ability to maintain unity between themselves and by their ability to fool their subjects. Even though all these leaders were greedy and vain, they always remembered that their true enemy was not the neighboring ruler but the vast masses of regular people over whom they held dominion. Fact is they could hardly risk fighting among themselves no matter how much they might have wanted to. They had learned that those who would fight, would eventually lose.
Everything would go smoothly as long as people didn't question their leaders. But to maintain that status, there would need to be periodic events to remind the people they did indeed need their leaders.
The religious system along with the legal system formed a strong foundation for the grand deception, but it was always difficult to sell people the idea that these systems were pure and beyond corruption. People needed to believe that religion was righteous and good and that the legal system was just and fair. Again there were many people too smart to believe in such utopia. To solve this problem the leaders invented the the education system and eventually mass media. It began in close partnership with the religious system so that these new institutions would be seen as working under divine protection, blessing and authority. People needed to be able to trust these institutions after all.
The schools would go on to teach to people all the important things the leaders wanted them to learn. That the leaders were benevolent and just, that the religion was true and that the law was good. And most importantly they taught them the importance of obedience. Of course, some useful skills needed to be taught as well so that the people would not notice the real purpose of this system. Eventually more skills and information would be taught but not because the leaders wanted to educate their subjects with useful skills - quite the contrary. The school path needed to be long and arduous so that the indoctrination process could be as successful as possible. And to make people want to go through with all of that, they made it so that good jobs required an 'education' proven by an official degree in obedience. Once this system had become the norm, it would become extremely difficult for the common man to understand what was really going on in this world. Everybody would eventually go through years and years of indoctrination just so they could participate in society - so of course those with the ability to go through with it all needed to be successfully indoctrinated.
Trouble is the students would one day grow up and become adults. They would 'graduate' so their daily indoctrination would come to a stop. The leaders could not have that. They knew the human mind and the human spirit were dangerous - people would smell a rat soon enough if they were not constantly fed with more propaganda. This is where mass media would come in. First it was the priests in their temples who would tell the people 'news'. In reality this was nothing more than school indoctrination in a different guise. It was the antidote for understanding. The dulling of reason, the killing of free spirit. But it was sold to the people of course as something essential. They had to know the real and honest truth about everything around them, right? They would not be very responsible adults without all this important knowledge, right? So all the leaders had to do was to convince school teachers to teach to children the importance of news and all that goes with them.
As a result, upon reaching adulthood, these children would actually remain children under the very same school system that was simply clad in different attire. The news anchors would be just as reliable as the shcool teachers were. Then once the cycle of indoctrination had run a couple of laps and there were two or three generations of 'educated people', the teachers and reporters would no longer need to be bribed to do their jobs. The indoctrination had worked on them so they actually believed the things they were teaching to their students. From then on the leaders only needed to keep it so that all the information came from a center office so to speak, from their own scribes who would provide all the 'official information' for the education system through school and media.
However, some of the indoctrinated adults were still smart enough to notice that the odds were stacked against them and that the leaders were greedy and hungry for power, in contrast to the popular belief of other 'educated people'. The leaders then came up with a brilliant idea: to limit the free time of their subjects. It took some planning to achieve this, but eventually it resulted in the creation of money.
Using the previously created legal structure they slowly steered the economy of their nations towards utilizing money. And they would of course control the flow of said money. Once they had implemented the system and made it the norm and even the requirement for everyday life, they could control every aspect of the lives of their subjects. They could tax all income and every transaction people made. The purpose was, of course, not to make money off of the people, oh no. The leaders had created all this money after all. No, the purpose was to control the amount of wealth people had. The more wealth people had the more free time they had. The more free time they had the more opportunities to think they had. And subjects that think are always dangerous to the leaders.
So if the population was found to have too much freedom the leaders would simply increase taxes until people had to work more in order to earn their living. Using the system of taxes the leaders could even introduce an insidious system of hereditary slavery called inflation. By taxing everything people did the leaders were able to make them progressively poorer and poorer so eventually they needed to borrow money in order to live their lives. And the money that the leaders created for their subjects was always loaned out with interest. That interest then became inflation in the long run. Inflation in turn made sure the lowborn people had even less of a chance to become wealthy, as their previous savings would always diminish as time went by. All of this, the money, the taxes and the inflation would of course be explained quite differently to the people. The leaders even had the audacity to blame their subjects for their poverty. School, church and the news would convince the people that the system of taxation and loans with interest were needed in order to run the society with all of its services. Having been indoctrinated into stupidity people didn't realize that none of these new sacrifices had been necessary in the past, in the times before the creation of money standards and usury.
Once the leaders had established imaginary enemies for the public and once they had put them under the rule of law with help from the education system and the media, people would forever be slaves to the banking system. All these institutions intertwined and under hidden central rule, the leaders could do pretty much anything they liked. And what they liked was yet more power.
To grow their religious power further than merely reaching the spiritual and moral realms of people's thought, the leaders wanted something to control also the rational side of their subjects' minds. So they created science. As with all the other systems they had created, they used a fundamentally good and workable model for their marketing in order to sell a system that was really rotten to the core. The famous scientific method would only be utilized in pure form by the leaders and their covert operations where they sought more knowledge for themselves. All that knowledge would be deliberately hidden from the public with the purpose of retaining and increasing the knowledge-based power of the leaders towards their subjects.
What they used the education system and the media to sell to their subjects as science was quite different. They would tell their every theory was tested and proven, transparently peer reviewed and honest in nature. But in reality they were selling people false beliefs and useless information that would only serve to weaken them. Later they would even make this fake science their new world-wide religion and they would make laws that criminalized differing conclusions on any important subject. The longer they ran this scam the less they needed to bribe their minions. The system after a few generations would be completely self-sustained. Teachers and scientists alike would believe their own lies - all that was needed was for the controllers to control the grand underlying theories behind every main branch of science. As long as the foundations were always wrong, the leaders didn't have to worry whatsoever what kind of research their fancy institutions would conduct. The illusion became incredibly easy to keep up because even the scientific mehtod could be allowed to be practiced by scientists - so long as the main foundations of their respective scientific field remained false. As with all other operations of the leaders, only the very top people in every institution would need to be 'in on it' - the rest would simply believe everything was for real.
To make sure people would never be strong and energetic enough to supplant the leaders, they eventually came up with the idea of medicine. Using the systems mentioned above they made people trust this new field of science and the practicioners of it. If anyone was to offer unofficial treatments or otherwise differ from the new mainstream, they would be shunned, sacked and even criminalized. A monopoly on health would also be a great business opportunity for any willing participants because health was so important to the people. The goal of the leaders was of course not to advance people's health, but just the opposite.
The trick was that using the real science known only to the leaders they had learned to suppress certain 'symptoms of illness'. This gave them credibility and more of the same came from controlling the environment the people lived in. If the leaders were able to make their subjects ill in a controllable fashion, they wouldn't even need any real, functional cures. If they poisoned the food of their subjects with 'very important and helpful' chemical compounds sprayed on their crops and injected into their livestock, they could covertly make the people sick so that they would turn to doctors and pharmaceuticals for help. Since the illness was really caused by deliberate poisoning, the actual medicine did not need to be in any way effective. They would simply introduce the medicine at the same time they stopped the poisoning of the crops and animals.
Eventually when the power of mass media had reached new heights and when almost all people were required to go to school the leaders could come up with an even bolder strategy: a drug to prevent illness. Since they could cause illness at will they could always convince people of the need for such a drug. And after they would 'prove' how effective such injectable drugs were, they could eventually mandate their use. Not only that, but in order to 'protect' the very weakest, they would mandate them even for children.
Ultimate control was of course the real reason for the existence of medicine as the leaders had created it. Nothing could be more effective in enslaving a person than controlling their health. But in order to get the medical establishment to always go along with the scam they needed to make sure the medical education system was fully controlled. Using money, law and the media they achieved just that. But they still needed to make sure none of the people working for the medical system would ever see through their lies. This was achieved not only by paying these professionals large salaries but by means of a revolutionary new theory. Rather than revealing to people that toxic chemicals were making them ill, they kept that secret to themselves.
To then explain the symptoms people might experience, the leaders invented an invisible particle called virus. Where bacteria had been unable to clean a person's body of toxicity, illness would manifest. This process was blamed on the imaginary virus while also demonizing the bacteria that were trying to help the person. By the time technology had advanced to the point of disproving such claims, the leaders' system of control had already reached global hegemony. Real information could no longer reach the minds of the masses because the layers of control and indoctrination were simply too many. From this point on the leaders could control the health and illness of their subjects as they pleased. Periodically they would even stage epidemics if enough mayhem was not caused by their deliberate chemical poisoning of the people.
Throughout history the military was of course always used to maintain the status quo, but in time no credible external enemies would be left to oppose the system of control described above. So the role of the military became ever more covert and a part of it was converted into what was called 'police', which is to say a military force directed towards their own people. In case war was needed, the military would make sure that the victims were always of the regular people while protecting the leaders and their more valuable minions. Leaders would secretly plan wars in advance to the tiniest detail to make sure they achieved all the goals they had set and also to make sure both parties would always benefit - and always to the detriment of regular people.
If it somehow came to be that some nation did try to break away from this covert system of global control, the leaders would unite and comprehensively crush any such nation. These events became to be known as World Wars.
Whenever there was a group of people on the global stage that could be seen as a threat, the leaders had it covered. They would plant shills within the ranks of such movements and eventually they would take control of it completely. With unlimited resources and a global hegemony, they were never unsuccessful in doing so. Since everybody knows the victors write the history, any dangerous opposition could so very easily be labeled as terrorism, extremism, totalitarianism and so on - by the leaders whose bread and butter included all of those things and more. The people who tried to break free from the system were demonized to all eternity. As an individual dissident lost their job, their money, their family, their friends and their reputation - even their freedom - so also did national groups of dissidents lose their future and end up under actual dictatorship once their planted false leaders had made sure that the original cause had lost.
Currently the population of earth is controlled mainly by the international intelligence conglomerate. Hollywood which is one of their operations has us believe that spies operate against enemy nations; that they protect the innocent people from evil foreigners, from terrorists, from nuclear attacks and so on. This is the picture the intelligence network wants us to believe in. The reality of course is completely different. Since enemy nations do not exist - they are all under control of the original leaders' families who all work together - the job of this spy network is obviously not to work against any enemy government. And since international terrorist groups are just another Hollywood creation, the job of these spies is not to counter them either. No, the job of this huge paramilitary complex is to control you and me and that's all they ever do. They are the fabric which ties together all the other various institutions of control. They run the main news agencies which feel all the media in the world. They control all the parliaments of the world, all the educational systems, the banking system, the scientific establishment, the medical industry along with all other industry - basically they control everything except small businesses ran by regular people such as you. And currently they are working very hard indeed to take control of them as well.
How it works is all the various top level organizations are completely 'compromised' and not only that, they were actually originally built to control the various fields of operation that they are involved in. The indoctrination system via education makes sure only a few key executives need to know how the system actually works. All the rest are merely doing their job based on premises they believe to be correct. If someone was to step out of line, they are chastised immediately and if they don't correct their actions, they are dropped from their position - whether that position is high or low.
The food that keeps feeding this vile system from generation to generation is corruption. Almost every person on earth is corrupt. If they have to choose between doing what's right and losing something essential to them, they will always obey rather than do what's right. When people see the wrong in their place of employment for instance, it will not be the work place that's going to change for the better - it will be this individual who has to change. If the person will not go along with the wrong, then they need to start looking for different employment. And since corruption is the norm everywhere, then eventually this problem cannot be fixed by all the 'righteous' people simply going looking for a new job - there will simply not be many enough.
It's not only careers and money that are involved in this grand corruption. The indoctrination system has made sure that only herd mentality is allowed and doing the right thing will be shunned. Since the leaders are evil the system they run naturally has to be evil as well. And it remains that way because people participating in it have been educated in the art of self-deception. Evil is good, good is evil, obedience is virtuous, fear is bravery and so on. Those few who still after all of this try to do good are simply shut down and locked away from society. And while all the evil goes on, the remaining herd of people keep believing they are virtuous and good and that they are doing the right thing - whatever that thing is, as dictated by the leaders. Corruption is not just secret bank transfers to Panama accounts - it's the willingness of people all around the world to go along with whatever is needed just to have the leaders' permission to go on with their lives.
The system of politics we have not yet covered, but it should be obvious it's nothing more than another theatrical production. The real leaders will never show themselves to the masses; they will instead present us with a theatrical play where there are different characters supposedly representing different sides. The reason why nothing ever really changes for the better is because the political system is not supposed to work. It's supposed to fail always - so that you and I keep pointing at the politicians for their failures instead of seeing who is really calling the shots. The illusion the leaders play here is to have us believe our opinion matters to the leaders. They even allow us to 'vote'.
Sometimes they do stage positive political changes in society to keep us believing in 'democracy'. But all the important nominees everywhere have been carefully chosen so it doesn't matter who you vote. When possible, the votes are not even counted and if they are, the final results will not depend on the actual votes. If somehow miraculously some honest person did get through and into a 'position of power' there is a plethora of ways for the leaders to deal with that. But usually it never comes to that as we know the parliaments we supposedly vote for do not even pretend to call any shots. And when they themselves 'vote' on a new law for example, the decision of the result has been made before the bill is even introduced. A naive individual within the system may think he or she has a real chance of making a difference but such foolish ideas will soon go away. And not only is the parliamentary system fake, also most of the problems it supposedly works to solve are fake as well. National debt? It's not real - it's only a fake justification for continuous new financial attacks directed at you.
Regarding the mind control we are subjected to, there are in important matters typically a minimum of three levels of information presented to us in order to keep us under control. The system works by filtering people into different categories based on their capacity and willingness to understand reality. Most people remain on the surface level (level one) of information and least people reach the higher levels of this controlled information. The covid scamdemic is a great example of this; let's look at the situation as it's presented to us in levels of controlled information starting from the surface:
On the first level we are told the official truth (which is a complete lie from top to bottom)-A deadly virus came from China and it kills many people - there is a real pandemic.
On the second level we are told the official conspiracy theory (which is still a complete lie)-A deadly virus was made in a lab and deliberately released - there is a real pandemic.
On the third level we are told a partial truth (which is designed to prep us for further distraction)-A virus came from somewhere but it's not dangerous so there is no real pandemic
On the fourth level we are told mostly the truth (to lure in the few critical thinkers that exist and to have them follow some controlled opposition)-There is no virus because those do not exist and the pandemic is a lie, a media stunt only.
We can also present this same structure of levels in terms of media activity:
Levels 1 and 2 actually represent the mainstream, because they essentially tell the same lie. Typically only mainstream media is called as such, but since the alternative media has the exact same mission, there is no real functional difference between the two and for this reason the alternative should in most cases not be regarded as an alternative but simply the same shit in a different wrapper.
Level 3 is where things get interesting since this is where critical thinking begins. Everyone with their eyes open can see that nothing special has been going on that could reasonably be called a pandemic so normally levels one and two are not useful to spend any time with.
Level 4 in this case is where the true opportunities lie. Because most people are more interested in fitting in a group than knowing the truth, most people will never look at this level of information in a serious way. This level is also typically presented in such a way as to steer away almost every person. Mostly only those who have a genuine will to understand the workings of the grand deception spend time at this information level. But this is not the end of the data feed but the beginning. Only when 99% of "tares" have been filtered away and only the "wheat" remains can the journey truly start. Of course this is mostly a curse because this level is lonely as hell. But the blessing is that at least it allows us to learn mostly the truth which is valuable to those who like that kind of thing.
Note: if the leaders do feel the need to add something real into this fabricated reality, they may of course do so. This could be the case with some of the so-called victims of the so-called covid (the few that were not completely faked). If you diagnose someone based on a fake test and other fake criteria, you have a 'case'. If you then give the person certain type of officially sanctioned medicine, their kidneys will stop functioning and their lungs will fill with fluid, suffocating them. If you then put the person on a ventilator, they will die. A real covid victim has therefore been created. Interestingly, this exact procedure seems to have been used in various hospitals in different parts of the world. The doctors instructed on a 'proper treatment' for this so-called novel disease have simply done their best to help their patient in the way the officials had mandated them to do. Later on, with wide-spread mystery injections with billions of victims thereof world-wide, any kind of a real pandemic can be created with no problem whatsoever if that is the goal. And since people just cannot fathom that the injections cannot be beneficial in any way, some will always subject themselves to them.
...This is just an example of how the system works but it shows how extremely effective it can be in dividing people. The intelligence conglomerate has carefully designed this system so that the least possible number of people will learn the truth which could jeopardize the grand operation. They will then add seasoning of all kinds to feed fear and confusion to all the various groups they have created. As long as 99% of all people argue about the 'response' to this 'virus' the leaders can be extremely happy. It really doesn't matter to them what the various groups think as long as they believe there is a virus. Only the truth that's well hidden could help, because if people understood that the whole pandemic is a fabrication and that no virus could ever cause any trouble since they don't exist - then the whole tower of lies would collapse. And not only that, but people would then understand the depth of the corruption that holds us hostage. That would be a key. If people understood that, then they would understand that everything needs to change. Not only some leaders somewhere - but the whole system has to be wiped clean and a new system of society started from scratch.
there doesn't seem to be anything here