Open Letter To And/Or Anyone In Canada Who Wants Freedom And To Resist Tyranny - Re: Preemptive Fundraising To Cover Fines And Legal Fees.
Why I Wrote This Letter
My neighbours and I were discussing having a small May 22nd live music event. But this year we have a big problem.
We had many practices and performances last year with between 5 and 30 people despite the lockdown bullshit. There were the guys in the band, always beers, sometimes people cooking food, many neighbours, and many folks who walked over from the street, lured by the tunes and visible musicians up our double wide driveways to the backyard where they performed in front of the 3 door garage. Very few if any wore masks and nobody cared. It was wonderful to get to better know our local neighbours and visiting strangers alike. We happen to live adjacent to one of Windsor's finest parks, so there's plenty of foot traffic, especially on weekend and holidays like our Canadian May-24.
This year things are different. I don't have much to lose, but the others have valid reasons to be concerned about the threat of fines. I haven't yet verified any of this but these are what they say:
- We may get a $10,000 fine.
- Our landlord may get the $10,000 fine - and have a legal excuse to kick us out.
- Each person present may get a $700 fine.
If any of this is true then freedom is not free but a mere annoyance if you're rich.
If any of this is true then this is mafia police and corrupt government overreaching with yet another scam to steal from and oppress the people.
This is only the beginning of the globalist totalitarian corporatocracy tyranny rising. IT WILL GET WORSE and no one is freaking out yet about the coming global food crises caused by the lockdown. It's coming on hard and fast, and by the time everyone notices it will be too late - and of course the fat police will beat all the starving desperate people down.
I'm quite certain May 22 is only the beginning of the tyranny we'll see this summer. Now
Currently offers help:
" Ordinary Canadians are receiving unreasonable fines for going about their lives during the pandemic. So, we've hired a lawyer to fight back against these unjust fines! " Is a redirect from their campaign for
Ignore the "unsafe website" bullshit or please prove how it's actually not secure. It says: " uses an invalid security certificate." Is RebelMedia doing this on purpose to deter being overloaded or paying out? Or has this site been targeted?
My Proposal
In the face of all the corporatocracy's corrupt propaganda media, uniquely Canadian RebelNews has the reach and the platform to do this - but this is an open-source crowd-sourcing idea that anyone can do. Critically important is the idea that we need to do this together. Decentralized and/or distributed if possible so the tyranny cannot squash this entire effort by taking out one person, one site, nor one bank account. Also, organizing de-centrally should help minimize any scams by individuals. It would be great if this could be done with anonymous crypto too. Hire the lawyers - and a team of open-source coders.
The idea is simple: WHY WAIT UNTIL WE'RE IN TROUBLE? Trouble is not coming as it is already here! So let's fund raise now - and let's all rebelliously resist and have fun and freedom soon, together. They can't swat us all. Importantly we'll need to build confidence in everyone that we'll have their backs in order to build up our great resistance to their great reset.
For fundraising, I recommend 3 types to accommodate as many people as possible in these hard times:
1) Pure Donations - just give and be done.
This is blind trust in the organizers.
2) Directed Donations - give directly with an expiry date.
You decide which cause to support, within a time frame (ie. 2 months to assess the fallout and options), or it becomes a pure donation. These constraints should never allow directed donations to be redirected nor skimmed.
3) Needed Donations - give under very limited circumstances.
Expect to get this provisional donation returned to you unless very clear criteria and dire circumstances are met. There could be many variables and limitations that you could sign up for that match your funding focus and modest budget.
Special Note: Do not do any resistance activity (ie. a backyard music jam) without copious video recording of your entire event, and preparations (especially if pre-announced), and follow up (if the police come by later). NEVER try to fight the monopoly on violence as you will always lose and violence is only for illegitimate thugs. We only win by exposing them.
To What End?
Whether we preemptively raised $100 or $1,000,000 it would make a huge psychological difference and affect our behaviour. If everyone knew their backs were much more covered they'd be more likely to collectively resist the tyranny. Without some assurances most folks will cower under the jackboots.
Effectively this is just like saving courage (and money) in the bank for the day we need it. The Great Reset is NOT going away. The ruling class has their eugenics transhumanist Agenda 2030 and aim to make it happen. The resistance is needed now, will be needed soon, and will be needed in the future. We need resistance systems. Maybe this isn't the best idea. Maybe it's good enough for this year, or a few years.
20% are the tyrants that tell us what to do. 20% are those who see and resist the tyranny. 60% are sheeple who go where the wind blows them. The tyrants are organized, with lies. We also need to be organized, with truth and freedom. Not all sheeple are stupid. We can be flocking powerful if we want to be.
Improve This
Have I overlooked something? Is there a glaring mistake? Have you got ideas to make this better? Have you got better ideas? Let's discuss.
Share This
Feel free to share this far and wide. Copypasta freely. Use the ideas within as you see fit. Pester RebelMedia ( and other media folks to adopt this idea. This need not be exclusive to Canada. If you know of anything like this, or can code a decentralized site system and/or crypto for this with an open ledger (transparency is critical IMO), feel free to share it on or contact me /u/JasonCarswell.
Quarantine the sick and weak, the rest is obvious tyranny.
[–]Battle_Kry 2 insightful - 2 fun2 insightful - 1 fun3 insightful - 1 fun3 insightful - 2 fun - (1 child)
[–]JasonCarswell[S] 1 insightful - 2 fun1 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 2 fun - (0 children)