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/s/Crime: Crime


Corporate Crime, Crimes Against Animals Humanity & Nature, Cyber, Drugs, Fraud, Hate, Petty, Police, Scams, Sex Crimes, State Crime, Theft, ThoughtCrime, True Crime, Violent Crime, Vivisection, War Crime... + Organized Crime (All Governments, Banksters, Big Pharma, Bush-Clinton-Royal Families, CFR, CIA, DoD, 5-Eyes, Insurance, IRS, Lobbyists, Mafias, Monopolies, NSA, NWO, Pedo-Rings, Prison Industry, SWAT, Totalitarianism, Usury, Wall St, Yellow Journalism, Zionism)

18,131 subscribers18,132 subscribers18,134 subscribers, a community for 5 years

/s/Wikispooks: WikiSpooks - What Wikipedia could be if not controlled by Operation Mockingbird and Mossad?


What would Wikipedia be like if it wasn't controlled by the CIA's Operation Mockingbird and Mossad?

17 subscribers18 subscribers20 subscribers, a community for 4 years

/s/FuckFednetizen: Fuck Fedinetizen

FediNetizen is a race-traitor Marxist cuckhold who should go back to Reddit. When there is a pro-white post or a post where there is a white victim and a nonwhite perpetrator, user/FediNetizen is sure to chime in with the standard Reddit-tier opinion diminishing the problem's source or commenting on how whites are the ones who are the real problem. He claims he isn't a jew, but I have my doubts. The Robin to this Cuckman is user/sudd3nclar1ty. He is a FediNetizen-lite kind of cuck.

a community for 3 years

/s/Aurobindo_Survivors: All generics are NOT created equal

For those harmed by defective generic drugs, particularly those manufactured by Aurobindo Pharma. This drug company has a long history of standards violations and irresponsibility, and thousands of victims of their illegitimate practices have shared their experiences all over the Internet.

a community for 3 years