Me brother is going to marry a terrible girl: a tastelessly dressed, dyed blonde who graduated from some institute by bribery, is narrow-minded, loves clothes, cosmetics, shopping, stupid TV shows, has been working in a call center for several years, there are no prospects, no interests, either. My brother is an intelligent, worthy, educated man.
I frankly asked him how it happened, and he said that he got tired of those smart, worthy and knowing their worth women. Everything is difficult for them all the time: either they are not in the mood, or they are tired, or they have some deadline, they sacrifice themselves up to work, wear only expensive clothes, in their free time they go to some kind of trainings, courses, exhibitions, listen to webinars, want to develop themselves ( unclear with an unclear goal ). And with this woman it is easy for him, she has no complaints: she came home from work, cooked dinner, made a massage, talked about nothing, turned on the TV, then sex without unnecessary drama. And if he wants an intelligent woman, there are a lot of them in the workplace, and if he wishes to talk to one he just can do it during lunchtime.
This is where I started thinking. I am 34 years old. I am just the same as in my brother's stories: the head of a department in the company, I love my job, I give it a lot, I carefully choose my clothes, I read a lot. And I'm alone. Men do not stay long, although I am pretty, with a good character, and kind. Apparently, there is a harsh truth in the words of my brother.
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