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[–][deleted] 3 insightful - 1 fun3 insightful - 0 fun4 insightful - 1 fun -  (1 child)

Fun is one thing. I'm not against it. Not even HKP's stupid gutter shit. He's smart, but not funny.

The problem is the perpetual dragging down discussion, name-calling, threats, and advocating violence used to be ban-worthy offenses, thus keeping things at least moderately civil.

I finally got one of my friends to use SaidIt and the Cunt Club was abominable to her.

You ARE againt it Jason, this very goddamn post was made to complain about some stupid ass joke posts that too many people upvoted and cluttered your precious page.

Also I was the one person who nice to your friend RedKSun, which she even told you. Nor do I drag down discussions, make threats or any of that other bullshit you are complaining about. You are getting pissy at the wrong person Jason. Quit fucking crying about my posts, you are a way bigger dick than I am. You fucking call people names and drag down discussions all the fucking time. Like that shit where you liked to call Musky a pedo for no fucking reason. Seriously Jason, you can be such a fucking hypocrite, find something more important to get your panties in a bunch over

[–]JasonCarswell[S] 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

No, I'm against free-thinking and truth-seeking being drowned out by asstrolls, jokes, racists, and anti-trans crap.

Yes you were nice, then you weren't. She literally texted me, "The only one nice to me was HongKong Phooey. I tried defending you and they called me everything but a white woman." [Whatever that means.] "If these guys are your friends who needs enemies!" [Phone cam shot of chat.] "Never mind HKP is not a friend either they are all assholes. Here is what they just texted about us." "Can I call you I am so upset?" "I will talk to David maybe he can calm me down he is up."

I never said you were a dick. I said your humour is twisted and not worth my attention. No one does more name-calling than the Cunt Club. THEY started all this. Musky was asking for it. ENDLESSLY. The troll can't handle being trolled. Truth-seekers were here first. It looks like you guys are taking over. Life is change.