Limited Time Offer
If you would like me to add a banner and/or a theme to your sub, lemme know. I can add you to my list and take them on after the others are finished. I have a couple CSS themes that I'm finishing/updating and will apply to all the other subs correcting some long overdue bugs and improving them. After this CSS stuff and some WikiSpooks stuff I'm going to try to withdraw from SaidIt for a few months to finish a first draft of my other massive project to share with everyone, ideally before September.
I just thought I'd let you know that I've un-modded myself. I added the CSS theme. I can still be an active poster, commenter, and vigilant regular SaidIt user, as we all should be (don't simply rely upon authority to police our community (admins already have enough to do)), and if we need me to fix something in the CSS either you or I can request it and I can pop on again to fix it and pop off - or magnora7 or d3rr can. Also, let me know if/when you simply want a change of theme, banner, etc. It's been an honour to be considered worthy of co-modding these two important subs. It's also necessary I respect the rules of SaidIt to not exceed the arbitrary maximum of 40 subs, and though it's obvious I'm anything but a heavy handed mod, it's very critical for appearances to newbies and outsiders that there be no "power-mod" problems on SaidIt.
I've been meaning to finish my Ergonomix CSS for a long time and now with the SaidItron CSS I'm determined to complete them as soon as I possibly can. Almost a year ago I dropped back from SaidIt for about half a year and left you hanging and now I mean to finally follow through on my pledge to add a banner and/or CSS theme to your sub. You may choose from my themes below or another of your choosing. You may give me a request or suggestion for a banner or let me come up with something.
Without a specific response I'll take the initiative and add something nice. If you don't like it, we can easily undo it, I can try again, and keep working on it until we reach a consensus, or it can be easily rolled back or all deleted - it's your sub.
So far, these are all my (/u/JasonCarswell) CSS themes for SaidIt:
Almost finished.
Designed for maximum readability and efficient practicality with a modicum of design aesthetics.
Applied to over 30 subsaidits, I think, in various states of repair soon to be resolved, starting always with my first sub /s/DecentralizeAllThings, where it's at its most polished. I have yet to finalize it (very soon) but when I do I'll be updating all the other subs
Designed as a minimalist copy+paste CSS theme to enhance SaidIt's default CSS. This simple CSS is also perfect for novice CSS designers to learn on and customize:
Slightly modified and customized specifically for:
Almost finished.
A duo-tone theme initially for WikiSpooks designed to be easily customized in under an hour for a palette gradient between two colors. Take note of the animations for the vote buttons and the slow banner crawl.
/s/Wikispooks - a sub I have yet to delve into to in attempts to crossover the SaidIt and WikiSpooks communities (more on that soon enough)
Soon to be applied.
/s/GreenParty - a sub I have yet to delve into with my local community (more on that forthcoming)
Soon to be applied.
/s/PinUps - a sub I have yet to delve into with regular posts (sooon)
Just Banners
I made custom banners and applied the tweaked banner code only from my Ergonimix CSS to:
/s/WatchPeopleDie, /s/WPDTalk, and /s/watchpeoplesurvive
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