ET the Extra-Terrestrial
My apologies to Sci-Fi fans, I'm one of you. A knowledgeable reader has a good background in Science, and knows where it ends, and fiction begins.
Official narrative is that there are no aliens from other planets here on Earth, and most likely never have been. I specialize in contradicting official narratives, but this one has legs firmly supported by indisputable facts...
Fermi Paradox
Interstellar travel thru familiar space-time is awesomely formidable; the distances are astronomical and the time for normal physics (reasonable speed, aka slower than light) is very long, even for our nearest celestial neighbors.
Intense radiation, cold, vacuum, hi-speed debris, etc. make space travel extremely hazardous. Centuries of travel time with nothing but stars outside would be tedious, best passed by hibernation. In a nutshell, these hypothetical trips are thus unlikely to be real. I don't want to say impossible, because probability indicates life in any form is impossible, but here we are.
Most likely form of alien life able to travel between star systems is intelligent machine. Since human technology is approaching that scenario, we already have indications the forms will be varied, distributed (collections of individuals, see social insects), and specialized to task.
Long Shot, Vernor Vinge
Human Form is only a minority of all life forms on Earth. Expand that arena of potential forms to a universe, the chance that another intelligent form would look like (much less able to mate with) humans is highly improbable.
What about human-like beings from another dimension?
Concept is from parallel universe theory, aka multiverse. I have no argument for that angle, it's the "God did it" default supernatural argument. My only answer is that if it's supernatural, it's equivalent to fiction. Fictions are much easier to create than realities. (If it's easy, it's probably true, ie. is truly fiction.)
What about UFOs?
My view is that these sightings are unidentified but not originating from space or other dimensions. Most likely they are misunderstood natural phenomena, or man-made secret devices, including holograms (spooky images).
Occam's Razor
The simplest way to explain humanoid aliens, is that they are products of human imagination, ergo fiction.
update Feb.28 Intelligent aliens won’t be humanoids - astrophysicist Adam Frank Jul.2019 25 min
18:30 comparing carbon vs something else as basic element of life form, Frank says Si(licon) is not as good... shows us he has closed mind regarding life. Sophie's question suggested "some crystal" and she was spot on. Silicon and its cousins like Ge(rmanium) which can be made into transistors etc. will be the basis of electronic life which is the only practical form able to travel and thrive in space beyond earth.
edit May.15.2021 Jacques Vallée | wkpd
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UFO posts on reddit, by me
Space Exploration Collection
study notes
outstanding sci-fi authors who were tech-wise
Michael Crichton
Arthur C Clarke
flocking behavior in robots
US Space Force | The Official Narrative 10 min
Untold Truth was claimed in title, but not discussed. Real truth is Trump needed to create new branch of military to
- vet the brass, regular top officers are corrupt
- Redstone arsenal was eventually chosen to be Force central
- video emphasizes physical access to space, reality is the Force primary purpose is cyber security; it was the Force assets that intercepted satellite data during elections (USA, Myanmar) and has the TRUTH how votes were altered
[–]Pononimus 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun - (0 children)