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Jim McCormick
tYl3es1gtf3erfdcoamfy atcu 100:5037m AeM ·
This is a post for everyone FOR and AGAINST the Freedom Convoy's that are taking place across the globe - and it is the underlying MOST important point of what is happening - so please read with an OPEN mind.
Close friends of ours disagree that this is "fighting for freedom" - and I personally agree 200% with that statement. "Fighting for Freedom" is done only by the brave men and women who are in the Armed Forces in every country that have fought terrible wars to rid civilians of tyranny - major exception to this outside of WW1, WW2 and Korean War is the U.S who have sent their people into unjust wars like Bay of Pigs, Vietnam, and both Gulf Wars.
The truckers worldwide are "taking a stand" against governments that have far outreached their right to govern to the extreme that they have for the past few decades. Be it the NSA spying on their own citizens, insane taxes, ignoring Health Care and then blaming in on their own people, harvesting of private information and all the rest we have yet to learn about. The brave citizens of China - notably Hong Kong have risked everything in their fight against tyranny tracing back to Tiananmen Square in 1989. The picture below epitomised that stand-off better than any other story that broke the news wires that day.
What we are witnessing in Ottawa specifically, is people of ALL nationalities coming together in one cause, be they white, brown, Muslim, Asian, etc - the unity and peaceful protesting and the effort being made by organizers to insure that it remains peaceful and free of the few shitheads who showed up with other ideas in mind. You can disagree with their stance, that is your right and no one should take that away from you - but that is NOT the REAL issue here.
This is about a massive peaceful congregation coming together, to state that the power of the people is the one force to be reckoned with - and when pushed too far we will stand up for what we think is right. If all those people in Ottawa right now were there to take a stand on homlessness - how many of you would be balking at them for doing it?
Yes, I know that is not the reason, but it is proof that "the people" when they want to, can bring a government to its knees on an issue that is important to them. For too long governments of all political colors have ruled with an iron hand knowing that their citizens won't take time out of their lives to truly stand up to them. We just bitch at work, at the hockey rink, on social media and that is of no consequence to a government to change how they do things.
In the early 1980s, Solidarity's leader Lech Wałęsa catapulted to fame as leader of a union that became the first independent labor union in a Soviet-bloc country. Solidarity gave rise to a broad, non-violent, anti-Communist social movement that, at its height, claimed some 9.4 million members. It is considered to have contributed greatly to the Fall of Communism. In short, the people took a stance against a force that was far more violent and deadly than Trudeau - it was Communist Russia.
Look past whether you agree or not with the Convoy - this is a watershed moment in history where citizens can TRULY prove that we are the ones who control destiny - not a collection of elites that at will determine where your tax dollars go, who benefits from who they know, who deserves a roof over their head and who doesn't.
Many of us - MYSELF INCLUDED - don't get off their couch to go and be uncomfortable in the cold to support these brave men and women who are reminding the powers that be - that it is US that are the bastion of power across the land. We have an opportunity here to reset how EVERYTHING is done and who is really in control - elections are a waste of time if the shady characters just switch seats and keep on doing what they choose to do.
Trudeau is the figure head for the moment, as we all know he is as corrupt as a CEO at Enron - but they all are, so there is not just one to be dealt with - he is just the one for today and the present.
So look past all the lies, all the media falsehoods that are doing the bidding for governments across the globe and focus on one thing - Ottawa, Poland, Tiananmen Square and Hong Kong are all bastions of brave people who at their own vulnerabilities, are digging in to insure that the rest of us benefit in one way or another going forward.
Cancer drugs held up, social programs for people with disabilities that are overlooked by the government agencies, doctors/specialists that are driving cabs and Ubers because they can't get licensed here in Canada, the list is enormous of all that is wrong and we have no say in - all it takes is a huge commitment from us to do what is happening across the globe by the truckers.
So next time your sniveling about not being able to get sugar off a grocery store shelf, or you can't get that new smart TV at Best Buy because the border is closed - think about the kids we have traumatized that are afraid to go out their door in case they catch some virus that the media tells them will kill them.
Take a moment to set aside your bias no matter what side of the fence you are on, and look at what this REALLY could accomplish if in the years to come, we kept the pressure on governments to do what WE want them to do. If you read this and your rant is still about the Truckers, then you are part of the problem.
[–]raven9 2 insightful - 2 fun2 insightful - 1 fun3 insightful - 1 fun3 insightful - 2 fun - (1 child)
[–]JasonCarswell[S] 2 insightful - 2 fun2 insightful - 1 fun3 insightful - 1 fun3 insightful - 2 fun - (0 children)