The title is accurate in all ways. most crimes are committed by a small portion of socity, and a large portion of that is from black males. To say being white, and confronted by cops is a walk in the park, compared to blacks, is about as ignorant as you can get.
The real race baters, are the uber rich, the controlled politicians doing their jobs for their real bosses, and of course the virtue signaling celebrifrauds. All public faces tow the condemnation line through virtue signaling, and forced donations to communist-authoritarian leaning organizations. It's a club, and none of us are in it.
Having that said, it's pathetic that the very few blacks, like Candace Owens, Little Wayne, and a few others are drowned out by the idiots who truly want some sort of handout. I mean, look at all these black martyrs; most all of them's only accomplishment in life is being a deadbeat, yet held up high as a martyr; why not the black men who have jobs, companies, family, and are good stewards of their community???? What's going on is an ndoctrination, and it's also a gauge into moral, ethics, and what can be taken next; think on htat.
there doesn't seem to be anything here