defund academia!
original posted Feb.23.2019
Predicting Decline of Institutions 1; Liar Learning (aka academia, for all)
Liar Learning (poem)
Academia is pushing its paradigm of Postmodernism, a fantasy ideology, but the Postmodernists are right about one thing: morals are relative to the culture. However they pervert that fact into a fantasy that every morality is OK. That's easily proven false, because some moral systems fail miserably, every time (eg. communism).
Fantasies Provocateurs: Juice attacks on Goy Society
Claims that there is no Juice conspiracy to subvert the West do not need to be proven, when we can see the equivalent of the same is de facto happening. We are having a look at the evidence in this series.
This prediction is first, not because it's most important, because it's most confident. Many schools will be closing forever folks, no doubt. next prediction, Big Media
Inculcating Self-Defeating Beliefs in the youth
This is what can happen when you allow agents of an enemy power (the Juice) to control your education system (plus media!, and government! the Juice Trifecta!). They have instilled a false narrative in young minds, because it is "Good for the Juice" (and bad for the Goyim), knowing that people are most gullible when young, when hit with intense propaganda, when governed by subverted reps and Sadistic police;😖 (those clever Juice!).
Juice originated Postmodernism (aka Critical Theory)
It's not just Self-Defeating Beliefs, that have subverted youth, it's a middle-east-derived moral system that has subverted the European homelands and subsequent colonial regions. ("You can take Christianity out of the mid-east, but you can't take the mid-east out of Christianity".
—a case could be made that Christianity’s altruistic universalism could be one of the primary facilitators of Europe's decline.
Heart of Darkness Germany | unz
the awful influence of Jewish power.
Weimar's Star is again rising above Deutschland...
German-Jewish Kulturkampf in the Weimar Republic 2012 | ocdntobsv
Sexual Decadence 2013 | dkmn
VDH, Weimar America (audio recorded circa 2016) 17.4 min warning: overlooks the Juice influence (aka 'bloodsuckers'), Hanson is an apologist for Israel
article | pjmedia
Victor Davis Hanson (activating) The New Dark Age Mind 17 min
Rethinking the College Education Racket | taki
Another benefit of (less) college attendance would be fewer Americans imbibing the anti-American and anti-Western nonsense that now characterizes the humanities and the social sciences (eg. Postmodernism, Identity Politics, etc.). “A modern university,” said Joseph Sobran, “is less the custodian of a heritage than a cauldron of fads— liberalism, feminism, multiculturalism... Higher education has become a liability... (where) fantasies pass for common sense.
Rising Victimhood Culture on Campus, classroom lecture by J Haidt 16 min
Microaggressions and the new Culture of Victimhood | psychtdy 2015
Academic Grievance Studies and the Corruption of Scholarship 2018
Are Universities Digging Their Own Graves? JH 11 min
Alternative strategy; embrace diversity, set up "angry tribes" environment (like old HS football rallies) aimed at moral heroes instead of athletic heroes (jocks). Establish the 'playing field' in debates and public meetings (aka 'town hall') speaking engagements. Let 'em shout each other hoarse. If there are too many leftists, so the meetings are lopsided, time to ramp up recruitment for a stronger opposition.
When "Victims" (aka oppressed identity group) Rule: A Critique of Jewish Pre-Eminence in America
Who Controls _?(racial identity) \ Ivy League
Time to Resurrect the House Un-American Activities Committee for the investigation of Communist (Cultural Marxist) infiltration of American colleges, universities, media enterprises, and government. Let the ghost of Joe McCarthy return to try again.
update Mar.3.2019
school funding promotes interests of source of funds
states teach (state-bias, eg. obedience to authority, groupthink)
private schools teach specialty bias eg. religion, tech, fashion, art, etc.
Third-party managers are mostly negligent to both principle parties of a transaction; eg. parents/children vs schools, with 3rd party being state administrators of schools (bureaucrats have separate interests).
Subsidizing increases things subsidized, taxing decreases things taxed.
update Mar.7
TRUMP to DEFEND Free Speech by DEFUNDING Left-Wing Campuses! | turley
turningpointusa homepage
tpu | wikdpedia (typical wikidpedia leftist spin)
update Mar.13
Ultra-Wealthy Celebrities CAUGHT in College-Entrance Bribery Scheme! 11.3 min | turley
update Mar.19
DivestU, speaker Charlie Kirk 5 min | PragerU
update Jul.31
Heather MacDonald On How The Delusion of Diversity Destroys Our Common Humanity 38 min | hvr
update Dec.18.2019
Liberal Education, aka Humanities, is a dead end endeavor, or essential to cultural heritage?
Stanley Fish, Save the World on Your Own Time 2008, NYT review "The Last Professor" 2009
Fish remembered at INTERuniTARY
Inside the Underbelly of Academia & Future of Higher Education 24.6 min
A Renegade History of the United States Thaddeus Russell
update May.16.2020 CSU system to have lockdown, fall 2020?
Shutting-Down the venues of Liar-Learning
Universe-Cities on a path to demise
The new Diverse-City: Internet, aka www
online courses and continuing education spell doom for higher learning schools (for one thing, the virtual market is far more competetive than IRL schools, who cannot compete on price)
6 forces disrupting higher education (illustrated) Jun.2018 | nwgeo
Online Education Is Now a Global Market 2016 | chrnHE
Free education; Learning new lessons 2012 | ecnmst
free courses | srplnt
Free (mostly STEM) online study courses, in English, from India: NPTEL
study notes part 1
deliberate dumbing down (home)
there doesn't seem to be anything here