not abidin' Biden
updating domino theory to USA
Then (1962) it was US gov't insiders wanting war (they murdered JFK to get there) they used the domino theory to justify war in Vietnam. Today we can change the roles; US gov is substituted with Globalists (see World Economic Forum, UN initiatives, Big Tech, etc.), while USA takes the role of Vietnam (victim of foreign aggression). But instead of trying to block communism, the Globalists are promoting it. If USA can be turned the same way Cuba, and Venezuela were (very literally it turns out, via Smartmatic), the march of communism could continue, called the Great Reset.
Pres. Trump puts a grand scheme in motion
Hacking an election is an obvious means of attack on the government, made especially noteworthy because of the emphasis put on it after the 2016 election, when Trump was accused of "Russian collusion" which eventually was proven a hoax. Thus Trump put into effect a follow-up part of his strategy game, the Sep. 12 2018 Executive Order on Imposing Certain Sanctions in the Event of Foreign Interference in a United States Election. The consequences of this order have not appeared yet, but we investigators are attending to it before it's news.
when did trump conceive 2020 election trap to collapse his opponents? ducks say, asking same to google, asking same to bing,
asking same to yahoo
Making his plan ready, Trump placed the United States in a state of war by issuing a notice to Congress 4 months previous... "in accordance with section 202(d) of the National Emergencies Act (50 U.S.C. 1622(d)), I (Trump) am continuing for 1 year the national emergency with respect to the stabilization of Iraq declared in Executive Order 13303” — the consequence of which means that President Trump quietly placed the USA in a state of war from May, 20 2020 to May, 20 2021, so he could roll out special wartime tactics after the election, which was certain to be hacked.
This project of Trump was made public via U.S. Periods of War and Dates of Recent Conflicts Updated June 5, 2020 pdf. How did Trump know the 2020 election was certain to be hacked?
Was Mike Pompeo made director of CIA to delve into agency secrets?
Was John Durham made special investigator to delve into Deep State secrets?
His 'state of war' project gives President Trump extraordinary powers under the little known legal doctrine called the “Emergency Constitution”
(do we have) one continuous constitution for war and peace, or the suspended constitution, Inter arma silent leges? Note this is a historical doctrine, not a part of the Constitution. IOW it's a jurisdictional perspective from which court cases may be argued.
(notes aside)
1 "The Supreme Court (said) in 1964, the Constitution is “not a suicide pact.”" Hyperbole. They were referring to the forgotten Constitution, while living under the fake 'Act of 1871' constitution, in which Columbia (District of) became a corporation, and henceforth, a Death Cult. LoL.
2 This speech transcript (2004) by Kathleen M. Sullivan is fascinating, goes on to compare constitutions of various nations to the US original.
3 Some of Sullivan's case alludes to foreign reciprocity to US deviations from its own Constitution. Trump has stated his favorite word is 'reciprocity'.
4 In sum, Sullivan's case is broadly Constitutional steadiness vs Executive discretion (which may be unsteady under stress). This speech was given during the war in Iraq, a stressful breach of peace even in USA, it was a controversial war, similar to Vietnam, but with a hint of vengeance dipped in, post 9/11. Here, post 2020 election, we are stressed again, but roles have shifted. Instead of gov't being the main purveyor of breaches in Procedure, Privacy, and Profiling, we have corporations, (eg. MSM, Big Tech, Big Pharma, etc.), NGOs (WHO, WEF, Open Society, etc.), and shadow government (aka Deep State). ('government' is from Latin, meaning 'to control the means', hence when corporations (eg. Federal Reserve Bank Cartel) control means, they become a de facto government.)
So according to executive discretion during a state of war, anyone, including US citizens, taking part in an attack on US government, are vulnerable to "disciplinary action" similar to actions taken against foreign soldiers. These persons will be considered "saboteurs", or "terrorists" like the legal precedent that establishes these powers.
In the example case of Truman wanting to control steel industry, he was stepping out of his jurisdiction, as commander in chief of military, into the private sector of business (besides, the Korean conflict did not have USA in clear or present danger). In the case of Trump vs Deep State, the president has kept his actions within the bounds of state security, in which he has Constitutional executive powers, just as a military commander always has authority over his subordinates (but may make influence attempts beyond them, from that respected position).
If anyone tries to dispute Trump's claim of war, he has the fake news media record of vile calumny and threats from the House (eg. "impeachment") to show as evidence. Study of the election "tampering" which was vast, is under way now. That will prove the danger was clear and present (to him, personification of executive branch).
DNC is a partly-hidden force (Biden a puppet)
Evidence the DNC 2020 platform was Communism by other names
CORONAVirus is means to usurp status quo with WEF's Great Reset program, a communist-style totalitarian world government with a bland name. (ironic that 'corona' means aura, halo, or crown; coincidence?)
gitmo being prepped for privileged prisoners
fema camps being prepared for deep state prisoners
2020 Virus is a cart to carry the WEF's Great Reset program, which sets up communist-style totalitarian world government 7.4 min
explore epigram 'discretion better part of valor'
study notes
trump announced intent to run for pres. again 2020
Trump to run in 2020: President 'announces' re-election bid and names campaign manager Feb 27 2018
Donald Trump 2020 presidential campaign wkpd
there doesn't seem to be anything here