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OD 2 Stupiditty
submitted 3 years ago by Marginotions from self.SundogsPlace
Kickoff... (according to Carlo M. Cipolla) The Five Universal Laws of Human Stupidity
Doug Casey on Stupidity
Forrest Gump on stupidity
second most common element?
"Human Intelligence Drys Up" - US Investigations Into Drug Cartels Halted Over Mexican Standoff Mar.31
Mexican standoff
They think you're stupid. 12 min | PJWatson
imgur's "stupid stuff"
ducks' stupid stuff (all)
ditto, images on
google's stupid stuff
sadit stupid stuff
what is OD?
that's odd
stupid notes
7 (auto) Fuel Myths Stupid People Fall For 10 min | Klmr
there doesn't seem to be anything here
there doesn't seem to be anything here