I love these:
Whirlpool Turbines Can Provide 24/7 Renewable Energy For Dozens Of Homes (3:15) ~ Tech Insider, 2018-02-09
I like this "OpenSourceLowTech" channel:
The $50 Water Turbine -DIY, Portable, Powerful, and Open Source (7:45) ~ OpenSourceLowTech, 2019-12-03
Another good "MrHydrohead" channel (providing versions of all 18 parts with and without music):
Part 18 MicroHydro Power System in CO (7:54) ~ MrHydrohead, 2017-10-07
From a channel almost completely unrelated:
Archimedes Hydropower Screw Generator (2:26) ~ Sign Monkey, 2016-12-27
Our Hydroelectric Power (7:36) ~ RaspberryIsland, 2019-02-07
Imagine if many rivers and streams big and small were lined with big and small versions of these...
Ultra-Small Water Power Generator (4:41) ~ JVT-en, 2019-05-14
Vertical turbine hydro generator system. Low rpm permanent magnet generator, home madel (10:22) ~ markp0177, 2014-01-08
Water Generator Running Off Grid Cabin (13:44) ~ luke Fugate, 2019-03-29
Janky but effective:
Free Power for 16 years from a modified Washing Machine / Water Wheel (13:16) ~ Marty T, 2020-05-10
Homemade Hydro Electric Station! Alternative energy! Free Electricity! Autonomous energy (4:41) ~ KREOSAN English, 2018-06-08
One of many similar designs for camping, Luddites, or third world:
Energy to go: the world’s smallest hydropower plant | Eco-at-Africa (13:16) ~ DW News, 2017-03-09
[–]JasonCarswell[S] 2 insightful - 2 fun2 insightful - 1 fun3 insightful - 1 fun3 insightful - 2 fun - (0 children)