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Baanbrekend onderzoek wijst naar 42% psychische problemen bij tieners met abrupte genderdysforie
submitted 1 year ago by Godknight from
'I would love to be the new Farage': Eva Vlaardingerbroek on the Dutch farmer protests and 'Nexit' (58:04) ~ The Spectator
submitted 1 year ago by JasonCarswell from
Michael Knowles talks about our beautiful country!
submitted 1 year ago by Godknight from
PLEASE! 🙏 Sign this petition to stop Dutch pedophilia on channel NPO!
Transgendervrouw voert terroristische aanslag uit op christelijke basisschool. Slachtoffers en wapens krijgen weer de schuld.
Dutch pedophile gets cancelled after writing gay porn in children's books.
Dutch Farmers SHOCK THE WORLD! Bad news for Trudeau (9:24) ~ True North
Dutch Farmers Win Big In Anti-Climate Change Backlash! (9:46) ~ The Jimmy Dore Show
Thierry Baudet: We Must Develop More Courage to Counter Globalism (53:39) ~ Geopolitics & Empire
submitted 2 years ago by JasonCarswell from
HERE’S Why European Farmers Are Protesting (17:15) ~ The Jimmy Dore Show
Inside the Dutch Farm Revolt (27:50) ~ Peak Prosperity
Dutch Farmer Protests Inspired by Canadian Freedom Convoy - Global Fight against Globalism (10:50) ~ Clyde Do Something
Dutch farmers fed up! Block highways in protest of crackdown || Jared Bedke (1:46:02) ~ Alison Morrow
WELCOME TO THE NETHERLANDS - From a Democracy to a Police State (12:18) ~ FallCabal
submitted 3 years ago by JasonCarswell from