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~4 users here now
Be funny
Must be related to feminist concerns or gender woo
No debating, take it elsewhere
No doxxing, flaming, or cancelling (getting non-dangerous people sacked,)
No trolling feminists or allies for the lulz
No slurs or dehumanising (tranny is not a slur)
No threats of violence
Where mah solidarity?
submitted 1 year ago by jet199 from
The devouring mother
Don't inflicted this stuff on your brain
Doctors L🤑VE this one weird trick!
submitted 1 year ago by clownworlddropout from
What could go wrong?
submitted 1 year ago by jet199 from
How to politely turn down cult indoctrination
It's only ego death though
You can't polish a turd but you can sprinkle glitter on it
Can't fix stupid
Wow, tough choice
The blue pill got worse
Reddit told me it's better than the real thing because it's designer
Victimhood can also be part of the fetish
In case you don't understand outside the binary
What do they even mean by "exist" now?
Oh no! ... Anyway...
AI still can't beat human arseholes for making the lulz
Such oppression, lots marginalised
They know really
Ana rights
submitted 2 years ago by jet199 from
Which troon are you?
How to opt out of being a white supremacist
Why are troons obsessed with telling people they have to have sex with them. It's a mystery
A woman is a featherless biped in a pink dress.
submitted 2 years ago by clownworlddropout from
Malibu theycy
The hard way to freedom
Time to looksmax guys
Women aren't what they used to be
The new binary
Before and After trooning
Pride season
Looking in a mirror and thinking you're God's gift is a male trait
Great white fail
The day Dilbert got banned
Do what does that + cover?
Trans Empowerment
submitted 2 years ago by [deleted] from
No you
Dark Side of the Groom
Pox on both their houses
Did you hear? Men can get preganant now.
Trans identities explained with cats
Growing the customer base
Why trans has to be called the most oppressed group
There are no original films anymore.
Scholar of Genderolicism
submitted 2 years ago by [deleted] from
The updated version
Pro-hijab campaigners accidentally made a based meme
The meme
XX/XY, so radical
If cam girls and pimps count as sex workers then it's easy to pretend it's a safe job
submitted 3 years ago by jet199 from
Moaning about how transphobic your country is on Al Jazeera
What should be on school walls
Not staring is rude
TRA signs translated into sane
Afghan options
So many left wing racists think this is a great argument. "If you think black women are women then trans women are ..."
We're all to boring to have been radicalised
The state of the left right now
My gender is in fact a costume
It's that time of year again
Coming to a Gamestop near you
No pressure
Pick one
Just girls helping girls
submitted 3 years ago by [deleted] from
TRA were protesting so someone turned up in a Turf costume
The state of it
Oh nos, hurty words
Don't be ignorant, now
Private Eye on point
But but how can you tell?
Gender assigned at wank
But but but how can a perv in a dress be expected to use the men's
Think of your health
Let's all focus on what's important here
This never terrible thing happens to we need more of this great thing in one conversation
🚩🚩🚩 Danger Hair 🚩🚩🚩
Best not tell people to educate themselves
The witch hunt
Female polygamy
A huge transition
submitted 3 years ago by soundsituation from
It's tough being a girl geek
Just for politeness sake
TRAs create TERFs
Breaking News
submitted 3 years ago by jet199 from
How ever came up with the idea that being delusional made men safer?
The current state of debate
Make your choice
Woman bites dog
But but but intersex
The every reddit lesbian sub
submitted 4 years ago by jet199 from
Telling the truth is a revolutionary act
What a time to be alive
Be honest now