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TRUTHERISM 101 - Content Overview
For the /s/Trutherism101 project.
First posted: 2019-05-25 | Last update: 2019-06-18
If you are sick and tired of mediocre media, propaganda programming, consumer culture, chaos exploitation, and being told what and how to think by those with stolen resources, then be active in developing better entertainment trying to make the world a better place and put the Machiavellians and their normie lackeys to shame.
T101 - Summary
Trutherism 101 is an anti-authoritarian, anti-corruption, agitprop, philosophy-comedy, animated-short series project that will be transparently published on this sub where it will be refined, developed, and evolve with public feedback.
A younger cybergoth woman and an older sage-guru-sensei man hang out in a perpetual golden hour on top of the Grizzly Deer Life Peak to discuss trutherism exposing the Machiavellian abuses of authority, the corruption of power, the monopolies on violence, on currencies, and on ideas by deception, manipulation, exploitation, and extermination in the powerful elite rigged matrix of systems forming a full spectrum dominance and enslavement of Earth via intentional misinformation entrainment, social engineering and manufactured consent. But with humour. Allegedly.
Trutherism 101 aims to hit the most critical issues, spun with humour, comically critical of all views including my own, though without delving into woo. The meme-like series of animated-shorts will be developed here on SaidIt. Most of these shorts will fit on the framework of a larger ambitious [narrative outline](▶▶▶▶▶_LINK Coming Soon HERE!!!_◀◀◀◀◀) - the basis for a Trutherism docu-mockumentary feature film.
Q: What is it about?
A: Alternatives, alternative histories, anarchist philosophy, anti-Authoritarianism, anti-Banksters, anti-BigOil, anti-BigPharma, anti-Consumerism, anti-Corporatocracy, anti-Eugenics, anti-Exploitation, anti-Globalists, anti-NeoCons, anti-NewWorldOrder, anti-PoliceState, anti-RegulatoryCapture, anti-RiggedSystems, anti-Technocracy, anti-Totalitarianism, anti-Usury, anti-Wahhabism, anti-War, anti-Zionism, authority skepticism in all things, balance & fairness, conspirituality, conspirophilia, counter-Propaganda, counter-SocialEngineering, critical thinking, decentralizing all things, delving deep & peeling layers, deprivatizing all things, evil-corporate-Singularity, expanding awareness, exposing Corporate Media manipulation, exposing corruption, exposing covert-ops, exposing the Deep State, exposing false flags, exposing Hegelian dialectics, exposing limited hangouts, exposing psy-ops, exposing secret societies, exposing the Shadow Government, #FightElitesNotEachOther, fixing toxic Earth, #FreedomOverSecurity, #FreezePeaches, Natural Law, Open-Science over corporate Scientism, recontextualizing all things, skepticism, solutions, sustainability, transparency for all things, truth-seeking, Universal Basic Healthcare, Universal Basic Income, Voluntarism, #WakeTheSheeple, the War on Truth, the War on Whistleblowers, #WeDoNotConsent, well being & fulfillment, #WhoWatchesTheWatchers ...among many other things.
Development here will cover the entire process, from conception to script, and then from storyboard to animatic to final product will be posted here. Also, ideas and policies about everything else, from collaborative ideas to fundraising sources, from opening credit concepts to closing credits ideas, from off-site resources to openness and transparency.
Initially this project will be slow going. I don't expect anyone just to jump on board for some nice ideas. I must prove that its worth doing by leading by example. This not only gives me all the creative freedom but it also burdens me with all the work. I will also maximally promote "Glossed And Profound" in order to cultivate brand recognition as marry GaP to T101 as the "original genius creators" and "official original source". Why? Because I intend to open source it all, eventually, after momentum, sustainability, and security have been sustainably established. Some may try to corrupt these projects once they go open-source, but they will never be the "official original source".
Trutherism 101 will provide Bittersweet Seeds background contextual understanding for globalization predicaments the masses are ignorant of. It's also intended to be a productive release valve for my conspiraphilia so the Bittersweet Seeds story doesn't get overloaded and alienating to the masses. T101 will support the deeper ideas in BsS, as TT20 will back up the ideas of T101 with citations for those curious seeking more answers and good research.
I'll do the first season myself, alone if I need to. By sharing here I hope to inspire recruits and help along the way, especially after the first series gets released. The entire process, from conception to script, from storyboard to animatic, eventually to final product, will all be developed here on SaidIt with Glossed And Profound.
- Note: The Last Jedi
comment coming, to be explained in Glossed And Profound: Origin Story, A Brief History Of How These Projects Came To Be.
- Note: 2019-05-16 7:20pm EDT I learned of a Netflix series called Mossad 101 (2015), from Know More News's Terrorists Targeting Iran | Christopher Bollyn @ 1h03m30s. Trutherism 101 has nothing to do whatsoever with Mossad 101, nor any other "101" for that matter, series or otherwise.
T101 - Table Of Contents
This overview list includes [potential titles of posts] that are also major task goals, information, creative content, etc. [These] will be text posts with content that may be updated, refined, and linked here as things develop.
Trutherism 101: Content Overview ◀ YOU ARE HERE
/s/Trutherism101/wiki/ - scratch pad, for now, to draft rough content before sharing
Glossed And Profound: Origin Story, A Brief History Of How These Projects Came To Be
Trutherism 101: Project Status + To Do Lists
Trutherism 101: Project Seeking Help / Creative Help
Trutherism 101: Pre-Production
- Trutherism 101: Pre-Production - Conceptual Outline
- Trutherism 101: Pre-Production - Character Naming
- Trutherism 101: Pre-Production - Overarching Content Structure (aka Chapters And Sub-Chapters or Topical Overview)
- Trutherism 101: Pre-Production - Set Development & Sketches
- Trutherism 101: Pre-Production - Character Development & Sketches
- Trutherism 101: Pre-Production - Stylization Development & Sketches
- Trutherism 101: Pre-Production - Design Options
- Trutherism 101: Pre-Production - Design Development
- Trutherism 101: Pre-Production - Narrowing It Down
- Trutherism 101: Pre-Production - Voice Casting
- Trutherism 101: Pre-Production - Animation Tests
Trutherism 101: Content Summary Variations, with SPOILERS
- Trutherism 101: Logline / Elevator Pitch - 1 or 2 LINE plot summary
- Trutherism 101: Outline - 1 or 2 PARAGRAPH plot summary
- Trutherism 101: Series Arc - 1 or 2 PAGE summary of topics to explain or expose and mock
- Trutherism 101: Synopsis - 1 or 2 PAGE plot summary
Trutherism 101: Treatment - ~10 PAGE long form summary
Trutherism 101: Novelette - detailed short story or novel, not in screenplay format
- Trutherism 101: Feature Screenplay / Movie Script - 90 to 120 PAGES = 90 to 120 minutes
Trutherism 101: Deconstruction & Tone
- Trutherism 101: Plot breakdowns, character arcs, and character backstories
- Trutherism 101: Creative Direction = unscripted detailed notes on filmmaking, cinematography, production design, colour schemes, themes, tone, pace, music, etc.
- Trutherism 101: Comparative References = inspirations and similarities in media, ideas, history, politics, propaganda, dogmas, the future, etc.
- Trutherism 101: End Credits + Recommendation Promotions (Truthers, factual books, dystopian books, deep state glossary, etc.)
Glossed And Profound: Production Management
- Trutherism 101: Management
- Trutherism 101: Financial Resources
- Trutherism 101: Human Resources
- Trutherism 101: Technical Resources
- Trutherism 101: Production Flow - repeated for each episode
- Trutherism 101: Storyboards - rough composition and action
- Trutherism 101: Click Tracks - rough audio recordings and timing breakdowns
- Trutherism 101: Board-O-Matics - crude videos, very limited animation of storyboards
- Trutherism 101: Blocking - crude staging animations
- Trutherism 101: Final Audio - sound engineered with effects and score, signed off and locked down
- Trutherism 101: Animation - crudely rendered with better animation
- Trutherism 101: Rendering - animation with textures and lighting
- Trutherism 101: Post-production - compositing and finessing
- Trutherism 101: Finals - completed videos to share and post
- Trutherism 101: Post-processing - uploading, compressing, torrenting, seeding, sharing
Trutherism 101: Beyond The Series, A Mockumentary
Glossed And Profound: Public Relations - communications, social media, press management
- Glossed And Profound: Social Media Activity & Interactivity & Support Promotion
- Glossed And Profound: Social Media Product Promotion
- Glossed And Profound: Social Media Project Promotion
- Trutherism 101: Distribution
- Trutherism 101: Website
- Trutherism 101: Web Hosted Series
- Trutherism 101: Web Stores
- Trutherism 101: Donations & Gifts
▶ Glossed And Profound & Glossed Over & Truther Top 20s = FLOSS content ◀
▶ Bittersweet Seeds & Trutherism 101 © Jason Carswell of Glossed And Profound ◀
▶ Once established with sufficient momentum, sustainability, and security, these projects will be open-sourced. Upon the untimely demise of Jason Carswell all become F/LOSS.
▶ /s/GlossedOver + Content Overview + wiki, participation discussion over all 5 projects
▶ /s/GlossedAndProfound + Content Overview + wiki, management
▶ /s/BittersweetSeeds + Content Overview + wiki, in development
▶ /s/Trutherism101 + Content Overview + wiki + InfoGalactic T101, in development
▶ /s/TrutherTop20s + wiki + InfoGalactic TT20, ongoing
▶ donate options + merchandise store = coming eventually
▶,, and were registered on 2019-05-01 for future use. Long in conception, finally here on SaidIt, the official origin place, started on May Day, 2019. May 1 is a metonym for International Workers Day, a day of celebration of the working class. Behind it lies a complex largely forgotten history dating back over one-and-a-half centuries. Look into it.
[–]Chipit 3 insightful - 1 fun3 insightful - 0 fun4 insightful - 0 fun4 insightful - 1 fun - (1 child)
[–]JasonCarswell[S] 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun - (0 children)