US Israel Relations
This critical relationship demands focus with a dedicated sub, not to be confused nor conflated with pros and cons of each nation nor their citizens.
This subsaidit also covers the Boycott, Divestment, Sanctions (BDS) Palestinian-led movement - ONLY as it applies to the United States, the US-Israeli lobbyists, and BDS censorship laws. The BDS movement for freedom, justice and equality upholds the simple principle that Palestinians are entitled to the same rights as the rest of humanity. General BDS content is more appropriate under /s/Isreal and/or /s/censorship without focus on the American relationship.
Civil criticisms of the governments, policies, and their actions are welcome. Anti-Semitism won't be tolerated nor lazy use of "the Jews". Be specific or be blocked.
For example, it is fair to say, "Zionists have a despicable superiority complex belief in a right to deceive, enslave, and exploit humanity, and murder goyim as they see fit."
Ask if you'd like to be co-moderator or prove yourself and earn an invitation. Please, let us know how to improve this sidebar and subsaidit.
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