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Articles and discussion about the USA/western wealth gap
PHP vs Python: Which Language to Choose in 2020?
submitted 1 year ago by appdevelopersnearme1 from self.wealthinequality
The Inflation Gap
submitted 5 years ago by [deleted] from
Millennials earn 20% less than baby boomers did—despite being better educated
submitted 5 years ago by [deleted] from
How to Really End Shareholder Capitalism It’s now increasingly clear that maximizing shareholder value has led to minimizing everything else a corporation could and should do.
submitted 5 years ago by [deleted] from
Bernie Sanders addresses Senate following tax reform passage (FNN)
submitted 5 years ago by [deleted] from
Trump Says the President Is Above the Law. Don’t Let This Doctrine Stand.
submitted 5 years ago by [deleted] from
Bernie's marijuana leagilization plan shows Sanders is no socialist
Chile Protests: A Revolt against Neoliberalism the Media Won't Acknowledge
submitted 5 years ago by [deleted] from
Oakland Cops Rough Up Teachers
submitted 5 years ago by [deleted] from
Wayfair Walkout is Not Only Absurd, but Immoral ~ Kim Iversen (13:43) - [ About denying beds for kids because they are morally against kids in migrant detention centers. ]
submitted 5 years ago by JasonCarswell from
Maine Needed New, Young Residents. African Migrants Began Arriving by the Dozens.
submitted 5 years ago by JasonCarswell from
Better Schools Won’t Fix America
submitted 5 years ago by compultantuser from
The 9.9 Percent Is the New American Aristocracy