NOTE: Work-in-Progress
The following are key concepts for usurper-free Dom @ Heaven on Earth through Direct Change
AS IS: Obstacles & Challenges
The Incumbency uses:
1. Indoctrination: The Hierarchy Paradigm. Thus perpetuating their Indirect Systems: corporate-controlled Media, Fiat Money, Economy, Governance @ Corporatocracy
2. Insidious Mind Gatekeepers who limit Public Gnosis / knowledge within narrow spectrum of conversation [See Chomsky 1]
3. Induced Trauma through Media drama (or, 'Drama Trauma'): to distract, divide and destroy the focus of the populace
TO BE: For usurper-free Dom @ Heaven on Earth,
[every] one needs to do Direct Change [aggregatively]
Key Lessons for Direct Change:
1. The Parable of the Monkey Trapped:
2. The Parable of the Blind Men and Elephant:
- Accretive Dialogue for better Gnosis / Knowledge at problem solving
3. The Exodus out of Egypt into the Promised Land
-- the 40 Years Wasted in the Wilderness:
4. We Are The Company[s] We Keep:
Everyone has Agency as we cast our votes daily with:
- our mind (emotional, conversation, focus, preoccupations)
- our time: up time (work efforts) and down/spare time
- our means of exchange: money, where $pent & Invested
5. If Evil = Good Usurped, then for Good to be restored & to prevail:
Turn Away from Evil: Shun Usurpation
And Do Good: Focus on being The Good Neighbor @ Reciprocity
Strive for Peace with All Your Heart: as Emotions usurp our Rational Mind
Our Tools for Direct Change:
1. One's Own Mindset:
- Direct Change
- The Reciprocity Paradigm
- DIrect Systems
2. One's Own Core Values:
3. One's Own Focus:
4. One's Own Choice for Direct Systems i.e. Community-run:
there doesn't seem to be anything here