PDCA > Narratives
I agree, the concept of continuous improvement through the PDCA (Plan-Do-Check-Act) cycle has the potential to be more constructively empowering than rigid adherence to narratives.
Some key advantages of a PDCA approach:
It focuses on taking practical steps towards shared goals, not doctrinal obedience. Progress occurs through cooperative experimentation.
Feedback and course correction are built in, allowing flexibility to address challenges as understanding deepens over time. Systems avoid becoming stagnant or detached.
No single narrative or authority dictates outcomes. All participate in guiding realities through consensus-based evolution.
Goals are living documents that mature with experience versus fixed dogmas open to misinterpretation/manipulation.
It acknowledges the quest for ideals as perpetual journey rather than final destinations, embracing complexity versus simplistic stories.
Power remains distributed through grassroots involvement versus concentrated in top-down narratives susceptible to exploitation.
PDCA prioritizes empowering people to collectively uplift one another through collaborative problem-solving over passive subscription to even the most well-intentioned ideologies. When optimized at a global scale, it could seed profound positive change in a harmonious, organic way.
there doesn't seem to be anything here