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with Holly Seeliger, the Political Animal
Terrific truther, based at her YouTube channel :
Zoon Politikon II backup channel:
She can use your support :
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Escort Service in Bangalore
submitted 10 months ago by zoyakhan1 from
Will Harry and Meghan Rule California as Cascadia? (7:07) ~ Zoon Politikon
submitted 3 years ago by JasonCarswell from
Youtube Community Strike and Channel Updates! (10:15) ~ Zoon Politikon
Holly from Zoonpolitikon - Rogue Ways 4.23 (58:08) ~ RogueWays
South Dakota Considers First State Bill To Outlaw All Medical Mandates (9:38) ~ Zoon Politikon [This video is not on YouTube for fear of censorship.]
submitted 3 years ago by JasonCarswell from
Birthday Livestream 2020 (41:47) ~ Zoon Politikon - [ A+ insights on the economy, COVID-1984, masks, how they're playing us, speculations on the future, and more. Don't watch if baby noises and handheld videos annoy you. ]
submitted 4 years ago by JasonCarswell from
Trump Describes "Blown Up" Bridges During Michigan Speech?! (12:36) ~ Zoon Politikon
Live Updates from Michigan- Three Dams Collapse and Dow Chemical Superfund Site (51:10) ~ Zoon Politikon
The History of Mandatory "Jab" Laws and Compulsory Education? (9:24) ~ Zoon Politikon
Italy Prints its own Currency, Thoughts on Parallel Infrastructures (9:18) ~ Zoon Politikon
California City of Atwater Declares Sanctuary to Reopen (12:18) ~ Zoon Politikon
Activists Pursue Moratorium on 5G in Glastonbury (10:53) ~ Zoon Politikon
Some Seth Rich Updates and "Obamagate" (32:23) ~ Zoon Politikon
Opening Up States, and Strange Executive Orders (40:22) ~ Zoon Politikon
People are Saying No [To Isolation], Here's the Proof (14:00) ~ Zoon Politikon
Chris Weinert was banned on YouTube a few times. He's got a BitChute channel now.
submitted 4 years ago by JasonCarswell from self.ZoonPolitikon
Living with Ehlers Danlos Type III ~ Zoon Politikon with Holly Seeliger (11:28) - [ Bendy joints, hyper-mobility/flexibility, dislocations, etc. ]
submitted 5 years ago by JasonCarswell from
Big Time- Big Agriculture, Big Pharma, Big Banks, Bigly ~ Zoon Politikon with Holly Seeliger and Chris Weinert, 2019-06-29 (1:20:35)
Amazon Doorbells, Drones Working with Local Police Departments to Spy 24 7 ~ Zoon Politikon with Holly Seeliger (11:18)
Trump Executive Order Clears the Way for GMO Animals
submitted 5 years ago by JasonCarswell from self.ZoonPolitikon
JP Morgan Pledges $500 Million to Detroit; Facial Recognition 5G Smart City Launched ~ Zoon Politikon with Holly Seeliger and Chris Weinert (1:42:30)
The Future of Tech and Education with John Coleman of Apocatastasis Institute ~ Zoon Politikon (50:59)
How Cities Use the Migrant Crisis for Cheap Labor #Portland #Maine ~ Zoon Politikon (32:50)
Taking Antidepressants Increases Dementia Risk by 50 Percent, According to CNN ~ Zoon Politikon (13:11)
Trump, Mexico Calls for UN Troops at Border, Jade Helm? ~ Zoon Politikon (8:37)
Florida City Agrees to Pay Hackers in Bitcoin After Ransomeware Extortion ~ Zoon Politikon (8:54) - [ A municipal trend. ]
Youtube is Censoring my Videos about Narcissism?! ~ Zoon Politikon (4:39)
Big Data is the New Corporate Plantation? ~ Zoon Politikon with Holly Seeliger and Chris Weinert (1:34:00)
Merck to Test #Ebola Vaccine in Maryland and Georgia ~ Zoon Politikon with Holly Seeliger
Facebook Launches Crytocurrency, Connected to Internet of Things #5G ~ Zoon Politikon with Holly Seeliger (10:29)
Cashless Societies, UBI, Austerity, EU, and More Banking History ~ Zoon Politikon with Holly Seeliger and Chris Weinert (1:09:14)
Iran and Middle East History- All Wars are B@nker$ Wars ~ Zoon Politikon with Holly Seeliger and Chris Weinert (1:30:45)
#TargetDown EMP and Planned Outages in USA and South America! Hundreds of Thousands without Power ~ Zoon Politikon
Friday Night LIVE Chat 6-14-19 ~ Zoon Politikon with Holly Seeliger and Chris Weinert (1:41:10)
[UK] Doctors Use Stem Cells to "Cure" Autism? ~ Zoon Politikon
Portland #Maine Creates Emergency Shelters for Influx of Congo Migrants #Ebola #Measles [on one way bus tickets from San Antonio, Texas] ~ Zoon Politikon - [ Is the government intentionally spreading disease? And they're forcing mandatory vaccines on Main residents who don't have a problem. ]
My Thoughts on Youtube's New Censorship ~ Zoon Politikon with Holly Seeliger
Politikon Roundtable Episode #1- Canadian Politics and the Trudeau Era ~ Zoon Politikon with Holly Seeliger, Chris Weinert, and Kip Simpson from Reality Reader - [ Canadian "digital charter" censorship, YouTube censorship, etc. ]
"Sanctuary City" Portland Maine Turns Away Migrants from the Congo #Ebola ~ Zoon Politikon with Holly Seeliger
VISA Applicants are Now Required to Hand Over Social Media Accounts ~ Zoon Politikon
Baltimore Held Hostage for Bitcoin Using Stolen NSA Tech ~ Zoon Politikon with Holly Seeliger - [ And threats to outlaw BitCoin. Is this a false flag? ]
New #Ebola Drills in the USA Won't Stop Spread from Congo ~ Zoon Politikon with Holly Seeliger
Euthanasia and "Right to Death" LIVE Chat ~ Zoon Politikon
"Love Bombing" Tactics Used by Narcissists, Religions, and Corporate Culture ~ Zoon Politikon with Holly Seeliger
LIVE Chat on Current Events, Memorial Day 5-27-19 ~ Zoon Politikon w Holly Seeliger & Chris Weinert (1h47m) Memorial Day history, Canadian media + politics, sexual identity, historical unrest, liberty erosion, war, 5G, EU, vets, Patton assassination, Revolutionary War, Freemasons, mercantile law...
Navy to Compile Posts of Social Media "Influencers" ~ Zoon Politikon
Travel Bans, Border Closings, and Mandatory Medicine with LIVE Chat ~ Zoon Politikon with Holly Seeliger
Everyone is Freaking Out About "Game of Thrones" LIVE Chat #GOT ~ Zoon Politikon with Holly Seeliger
"Pig Ebola" Spreading in Asia, hemorrhagic Fevers, is USA Next? #Ebola ~ Zoon Politikon with Holly Seeliger
Snopes "Debunks" #5g Hazmat Cell Tower Installation ~ Zoon Politikon with Holly Seeliger
Narcissists and Gaslighting Techniques ~ Zoon Politikon with Holly Seeliger
Italy Fines NGO Boats for Dropping off Migrants ~ Zoon Politikon with Holly Seeliger
California to Randomly Shut off Power for Weeks at a Time ~ Zoon Politikon
Tactical Training Exercises in Colorado at the Same Time... ~ Zoon Politikon with Holly Seeliger - [ on another school shooting near Columbine ]
Bubonic Plague Drill Goes LIVE! Plane Quarantined #BlackDeath #plague ~ Zoon Politikon with Holly Seeliger
Cinnamon and Spice Switchel! #Food ~ Zoon Politikon with Holly Seeliger
Scientology Passengers Locked on Cruise Ship, Quarantines for Measles Continue... ~ Zoon Politikon with Holly Seeliger
Bubonic Plague Drills in Oregon ~ Zoon Politikon with Holly Seeliger
Strange Disease Outbreaks Across the U.S.! Is "Disease X" Next? ~ Zoon Politikon with Holly Seeliger
You Won't Believe What's Happening in Connecticut! LIVE Chat ~ Zoon Politikon - [ Connecticut mock emergency drill at Trumbull Highschool, NYC mandatory vaccines or $1k fine, Congo Ebola conspiracies, Sri Lanka, Albert Pike, GeoEngineering, ]
Notre Dame Fire - "Gladio C" in Europe ~ Zoon Politikon
Strange Tech News of the Week, and More! 4-17-19 ~ Zoon Politikon
New Law in New York, State of Emergency, What Does it Mean for Americans? ~ Zoon Politikon, 2019-04-10
Notre Dame Cathedral Collapses in Fire #France ~ Zoon Politikon with Holly Seeliger
What is Going on with Trump? Assange, Sanctuary Cities, 5G ~ Zoon Politikon
The Salem Witch Trials Book and LIVE Chat ~ Zoon Politikon
Strange News of the Week and LIVE Chat 4-4-19 ~ Zoon Politikon
Floods, Food, Fuel and Flu... ~ Zoon Politikon
More Retail Store Closures in 2019 than Ever Before! ~ Zoon Politikon
"NXIVM's Bronfman Heiress Faints in Court, Michael Avenatti, Salzman Pleads Guilty" by Zoon Politikon (2019-03-30)
"More Documents Hidden in Jeffrey Epstein Case, Trump Connection?" by Zoon Politikon (2019-03-24)
"The Disease Epidemic [Of Syphilis] Not Reported by Mainstream News" by Zoon Politikon (2019-03-23)
"FCC to Sell Weather Radar Forecasting for 5G" by Zoon Politikon (2019-03-20)
"US Citizens will need to Register to Visit Parts of Europe" by Zoon Politikon (2019-03-18)
"Labor Unions Reject Democrat's "Green New Deal"" by Zoon Politikon (2019-03-16)
"Parents Demand Removal of Cell Tower from School After Fourth Child Cancer Case #5G" by Zoon Politikon (2019-03-14)
"Should 16-year-olds be Given the Right to Vote? Let's Discuss" by Zoon Politikon (2019-03-13)
"Hillary Clinton's Law License Reinstated" by Zoon Politikon (2019-03-11)
"Protests Continue as Venezuela is still without power, Marco Rubio Connection?" by Zoon Politikon (2019-03-10)
"Venezuela's Power Shut Off!" by Zoon Politikon (2019-03-08)
"House Oversight to Investigate Georgia Election Fraud" by Zoon Politikon (2019-03-06)
"The Big Money Behind Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and "The Green New Deal"" by Zoon Politikon with Holly Seeliger (2019-03-05)
"Netanyahu to Face Fraud, Bribery Charges" by Zoon Politikon with Holly Seeliger (2019-02-28)
"Weekly News Roundup and Live Chat 3-2-19" by Zoon Politikon with Holly Seeliger (2019-03-02)
"Top Vatican Treasurer Found Guilty!" by Zoon Politikon with Holly Seeliger (2019-02-27)
"Zombie Deer" Disease and Contagious Alzheimer's Link?" by Zoon Politikon with Holly Seeliger (2019-02-26)
"New Chronology (Fomenko), a pseudohistorical theory argues conventional chronology of Middle Eastern and European history is fundamentally flawed and events attributed the Roman Empire, Ancient Greece and Ancient Egypt actually occurred during the Middle Ages, more than a thousand years later."
submitted 5 years ago by JasonCarswell from
"What is the New Chronology of History #Fomenko" by Zoon Politikon with Holly Seeliger (2018-11-24)
"Examining the New Chronology Part II" by Zoon Politikon (2019-02-24)
"Venezuela Humanitarian Aid Trojan Horse" by Zoon Politikon with Holly Seeliger (2019-02-23)
"President Trump's Call for 5G, 6G is a National Security Threat" by Zoon Politikon with Holly Seeliger (2019-02-22)
"Five Americans Arrested in Haiti for Conspiracy, Connection to Venezuela" by Zoon Politikon with Holly Seeliger (2019-02-19)
"#AOC "Green New Deal" Means NWO 5G Tech" by Zoon Politikon with Holly Seeliger (2019-02-14)
"Black Helicopter Urban Exercises in Florida, Utah, Connected to Bank Outages" by Zoon Politikon with Holly Seeliger (2019-02-12)
"Black Helicopters in LA, Bank OutagesToday" on Zoon Politikon with Holly Seeliger (2019-02-08)
"Thousands Exposed to Rubella at Detroit Auto Show" by Zoon Politikon with Holly Seeliger (2019-02-07) on YouTube
"Smart Meters to Track Dementia Patients in their Homes" by Zoon Politikon with Holly Seeliger (2019-02-05) on YouTube
"Tainted Vaccines Distributed, Measles Outbreak, Disease X" by Zoon Politikon with Holly Seeliger (2019-02-03) on YouTube
"Mumia Abu Jamal Granted Right of Appeal after Decades in Prison" (2019-01-29) Zoon Politikon with Holly Seeliger
"PG&E Faces Murder Charges and Bankruptcy for Paradise Fires" (2019-01-27) Zoon Politikon with Holly Seeliger