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''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' */
/* */
/* "SimpleTweaks" SubSaidIt CSS Theme */
/* for https://SaidIt.net */
/* by /u/JasonCarswell 2020-05-09 */
/* used on */
/* /s/APlusPlusPlus */
/* /s/CorbettCommenters */
/* */
/* "SimpleTweaks-SansBanner" SubSaidIt CSS Theme */
/* for https://SaidIt.net */
/* by /u/JasonCarswell 2021-04-30 */
/* used on */
/* /s/BroStep_GlitchHop */
/* /s/Buddhism */
/* /s/Cassy */
/* /s/Cooperatives */
/* /s/CultureWars */
/* /s/Decentralize4Dummies */
/* /s/Flea_Market */
/* /s/LeverMind */
/* /s/PhoenixForum */
/* /s/ResistanceAnalysis */
/* /s/Rights */
/* /s/Tits */
/* /s/Tracks_That_I_Loop */
/* */
/* "SimpleTweaks-Viral" SubSaidIt CSS Theme */
/* for https://SaidIt.net */
/* modified by /u/JasonCarswell 2020-05-09 */
/* modified by /u/magnora7 2020-05-11 */
/* used on /s/Coronavirus/ */
/* */
/* */
/* All /u/JasonCarswell CSS themes for SaidIt: */
/* */
/* "Ergonomix" Designed for maximum readability and efficient practicality */
/* with a modicum of design aesthetics. */
/* Applied to over 20 subsaidits. */
/* almost done */
/* https://saidit.net/s/DecentralizeAllThings/about/stylesheet/ */
/* */
/* "SimpleTweaks" Designed as a minimalist copy+paste CSS theme to enhance */
/* SaidIt's default CSS. This simple CSS is also perfect */
/* for novice CSS designers to learn on and customize. */
/* https://saidit.net/s/CorbettCommenters/about/stylesheet/ */
/* */
/* "SimpleTweaks-SansBanner" */
/* https://saidit.net/s/BroStep_GlitchHop/about/stylesheet/ */
/* https://saidit.net/s/Buddhism/about/stylesheet/ */
/* https://saidit.net/s/Cassy/about/stylesheet/ */
/* https://saidit.net/s/Cooperatives/about/stylesheet/ */
/* https://saidit.net/s/CultureWars/about/stylesheet/ */
/* https://saidit.net/s/Decentralize4Dummies/about/stylesheet/ */
/* https://saidit.net/s/Flea_Market/about/stylesheet/ */
/* https://saidit.net/s/LeverMind/about/stylesheet/ */
/* https://saidit.net/s/PhoenixForum/about/stylesheet/ */
/* https://saidit.net/s/ResistanceAnalysis/about/stylesheet/ */
/* https://saidit.net/s/Rights/about/stylesheet/ */
/* https://saidit.net/s/Tits/about/stylesheet/ */
/* https://saidit.net/s/Tracks_That_I_Loop/about/stylesheet/ */
/* */
/* "SimpleTweaks-Viral" https://saidit.net/s/Coronavirus/about/stylesheet/ */
/* */
/* "SaidItron" A duo-tone theme initially for WikiSpooks designed to be */
/* easily customized in under an hour for a palette */
/* gradient between two colors. */
/* */
/* "SaidItron-Purple" almost done https://saidit.net/s/Wikispooks/about/stylesheet/ */
/* "SaidItron-Green" not started https://saidit.net/s/GreenParty/about/stylesheet/ */
/* "SaidItron-Flesh" not started https://saidit.net/s/PinUps/about/stylesheet/ */
/* */
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