Fucking christ these whites are insane. These people treat animals better than they treat human beings. An ethnic will be outcasted, villainized, and mistreated his entire life in the western world while a dog will find romance and fiery sexual relationships with any white woman he sets his eyes upon.
In my entire life in the west I haven't felt human for even one second. Every interaction with a westerner was filled with ridicule or outright hatred. I was once physically assaulted by a massive nigger and none of these whites even had the decency to ask if I was okay. If some stupid faggot dog or cat was even playfully slapped these retards would have send in the marines, national guard, rangers, air force, army, fbi, cia, police. Maybe the president himself would have come to issue a message.
When they invaded iraq and killed a million people none of their soldiers were arrested for prisoner abuse, torture, rape, or murder. You know what did get one of them in trouble? abusing a fucking dog on camera. that's right. when they had images of them torturing and raping prisoners broadcast to the nation they barely cared or even celebrated. when when a fucking DOG was harmed the entire nation was outraged. fuck this place and fuck these people. I know god isn't real but please if you are wipe them from this earth and let them burn in hell forever for their crimes.
[–]Cantbot 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun - (0 children)