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Cognitive dissonance says: No. (As well as many other psychological phenomena that come to mind: Dunning-Kruger, etc. pp)

Opinions are molded in peer groups. Facefuck, twatter and chingchong empowered literally everyone to post some bs and gather peers around it.

Even when these peers actually only gather around a nice pair of tits attached to some fan mostly only producing warm air, e.g.

Meritocracy itself tends to lead to a kind of representative leadership that after some time is more than less completely detached from its peers.

So I don't regard meritocracy as a suitable way to go.

I experienced this firsthand when the Chaos Computer Club became totally "politic", vegan and woke. After "enforcing" meritocracy for almost two decades.

There are only about 10% "real" creative tinkerers and makers, I can relate to, left in it. Most of them rather talk than act. Which is why I left this club years ago.

This doesn't say anything about their local groups, which can have completely different politics, though. Size seems to be a limiting factor for phenomena like this.