The country has been converted to (or always has been) a corporation in true fascist make up with the president/CEO being picked by major share holders, not by the peasants. This corporation is currently under a hostile take over, or merger, with the world corporation that consists of the shareholders of the world oligarchs and money printers of all races and creeds. Race and creed division is something to keep the peasants entertained while the world corporation shareholders are above all of that and desire to be gods of this world.
The DNC has years ago removed all illusion of democracy in presidential selection. The Bernie lawsuit showed the DNC is a company with no obligation to hold fair primary elections and that the company will select it's candidate regardless of who party members want.
Notice all the self exposing efforts to remove (the illusion of) democratic elections of presidents. Notice how the office of the president is being portrayed as irrelevant by Biden and his old man act. The country ran the same by continuing to wage war as usual, continuing to waste money as usual, continuing to do the same as it usually does despite who is in office.
The illusion of democratic elections is fading and the corporation's share holders have decided the peasants must be knocked down a notch for their planned corporate merger to go forward.
As we can see with recent primary voting the voter fraud machines require internet to actually function.
Which of course relates to cyber polygon internet outage plans and the machines being meant for rigging elections from the start as I outline here.
The corporation has allowed a build up of hope in Trump country wide to create a bubble in those that believe in personal liberty and a country by the people. Many attempts have been made to provoke a civil war in recent years but have failed. The presidential election being rigged will pop the bubble and be the catalyst for the civil war they desire. They will never allow Trump to regain power as they have said themselves.
Why would they want civil war? They are masters of war, violence, and death. That is literally their business. They will never effect real change while the constitution and laws are in effect. This is easy to see by the many coups around the world by CIA promoted civil war.
The election will be such a slap in the face that civil war will be inevitable. And of course this all happens at the ritual time of the "feast of fools", "Feast of the Ass", "king cake", "Christian Epiphany (meaning manifestation or appearance, of the new born king)". Of course with all of the calendar changes and attempts to associate with the Saturnalia date the original date of January 6th is sometimes obscured but not in all cases.
If you research deeply into the synthetic genetic sciences you will better understand the goals of the globalists and purpose behind the covid sham. They openly say they intent to "control the evolution of mankind" and desire a post human planet going forward. Most research money is going towards genetic manipulation of behavior. But they openly desire a new "market place" of all kinds of genetic enhancements for those that can afford them. This is how the world oligarchs plan to become superior gods of the planet similar to the Olympians and Titans.
We can see this is history repeating as this all happened in the past. If you read and comprehend the Biblical stories of the garden of Eden, fallen angels, flood of Noah, and the book of Giants. They make clear, many times without allegory and in detail, past genetic tinkering that ruined all life on the planet.
Even if you are not of a religious mind you should be able to understand that nature has laws and nature attempts to stay in a balance of equilibrium. A hacking of nature's laws with no concerns but greed and lust for power can/will/has set in motion an imbalance that by chain reaction snow balls out of control.
Oh the back up plan. Among many other uses, the date of UN agenda 30, the migrant invasion, and the migrant court dates of 2030 are not just coincidence.
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