Why are globalist sellout politicians allowing criminals to go free, opening the border to terrorists, purposefully creating supply shortages, designing bioweapens to use for preplanned pandemics? Why are the poor crime ridden ghettos, which result by design from gentrification, always just across the tracks from the business sector and rich areas of a mega city?
What kind of agenda and mindset have brought this on? As agent Smith explained in the Matrix movie, the people farmers tried to give their livestock a utopia. They brought in the people farmer's best idea of an utopia in the form of communism and socialism. But their livestock rejected their utopia based system.
When creating wildlife preserves, because corporate greed has taken their natural habitat, scientists have found that the grazing animals overpopulate causing famine and die offs. The solution found was to re-introduce predators and to control the "fear landscape". This landscape of fear, or ecology of fear is fully managed and controlled by those who own and control the wildlife preserver.
The money printers and corporate monopolies that have grown up around them, tax farmers like the United States corporation, have latched on to this idea. They are now implementing this control mechanism on their human livestock.
Journal named Trends in Ecology and Evolution. Submitted write up title: Extending the dynamic landscape of fear in a human-dominated world
(my blocker says zero adds blocked, requires accepting cookies) https://www.cell.com/trends/ecology-evolution/abstract/S0169-5347(22)00250-6
The crappy wiki on the subject. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ecology_of_fear
NIH Journal article: The landscape of fear conceptual framework: definition and review of current applications and misuses
there doesn't seem to be anything here