all 6 comments

[–]Girondin 8 insightful - 1 fun8 insightful - 0 fun9 insightful - 1 fun -  (1 child)

I don't care enough about wolfenstein (33 mins long) to watch it but the comments are really dumb.

I've met plenty of people who consider me white, I've met plenty of people who consider me black, I consider myself neither since I identify as pardo, goes to show that it is a social construct, and some of us even get to pick depending on the situation and the people we're dealing with.

Race is a social construct but you were able to identify your race as Pardo since you are tri-racial? Doesn't sound like a social construct if you determined it by ancestry.

Also I saw a comment that said people see Umbridge in Harry Potter as worse then Voldemort since he is "generic evil" while Umbridge is "specific evil" (people are seeing this as super deep!), I think that's dumb, Voldemort had a moral justification for what he did even it was wrong, persecution of witches by the non-wizards, Umbridge was just an asshole.

I never played the game but I always thought it was ironic that game glorifies nazi ubermensh depictions but at the same time technically trashing it.

[–]nordmannenLegionnaire 8 insightful - 1 fun8 insightful - 0 fun9 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Wolfenstein, the more recent ones anyway, has always been about glorifying this comic book level vision of a Nazi future while breaking it down. Personally, I've been convinced for a while that a lot of games today are specifically geared towards people who don't fit in and lack a sense of self-worth. You can see this in the comments, the amount of people who are mixed, Jewish, or LGBT who are really attracted to the themes of Wolfenstein is interesting. The idea of choosing to reject everything and tear it down is very intentional messaging, to become everything your opponent hates and to supersede them in every way. Also, Jews in particular are very inspired by this struggle for survival because that's what Judaism is to a lot of them. That's why so many people got emotional about the end of the video, it's very impactful to become a part of this ongoing resistance to the whole world trying to tear you down. Of course white people don't get this luxury, however.

I'll be honest, this is a pointless topic that doesn't get us anywhere. No one really cares about Wolfenstein and you will look pretty stupid arguing against an anti-nazi gorefest. This is why it's pointless to complain about shitty movies like Inglorious Basterds or Fury. Most people who consume this media are looking for mindless fun and won't care. However, the people who actually see and resonate with the themes of Wolfenstein are not going to be convinced by anything we have to say. There are so many pseudo-intellectual midwits on the internet who throw inarticulate and inconsistent factoids about World War 2 and Fascism around, unless you're a bug-eyed amorphous pop-history youtuber nothing you say will get through to said people.

[–][deleted] 4 insightful - 1 fun4 insightful - 0 fun5 insightful - 1 fun -  (1 child)

In 1913, a mob in Georgia broke into a prison and lynched a Jewish man imprisoned there. The next day, the local newspaper headline read "The Next Jew Who Does What Frank Did Is Going To Get Exactly The Same Thing We Give To Negro Rapists." The turn against Jews wasn't just social- it was backed up by the bullshit race science of the day.

Wow, the chutzpah is strong. He blames the conviction and subsequent lynching of Leo Frank on race science. I don't see how this is related to the trial at all which while a contentious trial at the time the only other suspect was the Black factor aide, Jim Conley. If he is saying that Leo Frank is innocent, the only possibility is Jim Conley because he was alleged to have written the murder notes found on the body of Mary Phagan in the basement of the pencil factory.

  • Has a history of unwanted sexual advances on women in the factory.
  • Denied ever knowing Mary Phagan, but then admitting he had lunch with her at noon at the day of the murder. Frank also blames former factory employee, John Gantt, who supposedly had a sexual relationship with Mary Phagan.
  • Three separate juries found him guilty of murder and five Jews were on the grand jury that convicted him.
  • If White people were evil racists, shouldn't they have convicted Jim Conley of murder instead because he fit like every negative Black stereotype and also had a weird habit of pooping in elevator shafts. If people were so biased toward Blacks at the time, how did they convict Leo Frank for murder?

[–][deleted]  (3 children)


    [–]nordmannenLegionnaire 3 insightful - 1 fun3 insightful - 0 fun4 insightful - 1 fun -  (2 children)

    To clarify, you're asking us to watch a Jewish youtuber's 33 minute video about a video game and refute it? That's asking a lot without any context, how about you go first, bro?

    [–][deleted]  (1 child)


      [–]Talmudstein2 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

      The irony of some Jew crying about "Aryan supremacy" being a coping mechanism to hide their inadequacies and justify their privileged place in society, has this guy ever read his own religious texts or some Zionist literature? (also just in case, don't give me that revisionist interpretation that God's chosen doesn't imply supremacy or that goy is just an inoffensive term) Its actually laughable also, because just like how Wolfenstein "shows" that Aryan supremacy is a myth by portraying their failures, most of actual Jewish history is a clear refutation of the idea they would be divinely chosen or superior.

      Shlomo should keep his victim complex about how oppressive anti-semitic whitey is to himself while he goes back to scamming some working class whites out their pittance salaries through usury or crying on Twitter about how those evil Palestinians have the nerve to defend themselves against Israel's white-funded, child-killing toys.

      [–][deleted] 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

      Exactly what I'd expect a game, a movie, a TV show, etc., to be like that was created by commie, socialist, or leftist-libtard. No surprises....just the some old predictable nonsense, rehashed and retold for the hundredth another installment in the 'Friday the 13th' franchise, with Jason Voorhees having nothing new to add.