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    [–]radicalcentristNational Centrism 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

    I'm not aware of any metric that can prove which country has better work life, especially when there are many variables to consider.

    For example, why would a Western police officer be more healthier and spiritually rich, when the risks of doing that job are astronomical? Whether it's being killed during active duty, or the media ready to call you a white supremacist over known hoaxes (i.e Derek Chauvin arresting George Floyd).

    There's no way being a Japanese police officer brings you anywhere near such danger, since crime in Japan is low to begin with, and you're mostly dealing with other Japanese who are quite civilized and wont scream "Nazi" for just smiling.

    Same can be said about the army. Japan is in peace time so to be fair, it could be seen as being "boring". But on the flip side, U.S soldiers get sent to die in foreign middle eastern wars for Israel. Why would that make me feel spiritually happy for being someone else's pawn or golem?

    The average Japanese doesn't work in anime, but my point still stands. Outsiders will look at their careers and claim they're suffering, even though they still love the jobs and refuse to quit when given a choice.

    I think it’s a wonderful place but it isn’t any closer to utopia than we Westerners are. They’ve got some serious social ills they need to work on.

    In 10 or 20 years, the social ills you mention will look like paradise when the West undergoes near complete replacement while Japan stays homogenous. In which case, the comparison would become Brazil vs Japan. And there's no way Brazilians are happier given the shittier wages, high crime and dysfunctional government.

    At the end of the day, race will always trump every other social issue. That's because everything like healthcare or taxes can be fixed over time. But America becoming majority non-white is damn near impossible to escape from without some kind of revolution or forced separation.