user Marginotes' name derives from fringes of pages, ie. marginal notations, aka Marginalia
I find the Internet search engine to be a truly marvelous invention. In my sorry attempts to be a social media blogger, I've drifted away from the kind of writing/writhing demonstrated in this paragraph, in favor of showing links to web searches. The creative aspect is in the search string (keyword list). Doing a search is like casting a net into the water, you pull it up to see what you may have caught.
This is not a popular style. I find most readers prefer simple brief statements about a single item, poster images are more popular by far. I'm turning to this blog having recently been ostracized from s/debatealtright for schizposting, etc. Exhibit A.
Contrariwise, a more curious reader will assume the same exploratory attitude as the keyword list prompts, and look thru the returns for interesting links. Sometimes the "density" of accord will be high, more often not so. If the latter is the case, I either try a different keyword string, or pick thru the list for accordance. If the query string is particularly fringe, I may need to look thru several pages of returns, but I do this because I value especially well those rare but precious sources of radically/rascally fringe thinking. This wont to flee toward the outer limits may be an indicator of anarchist-personality disorder LoL.
Fellow web search aficionados note: copy/paste search string to a text editor and try to read between the + signs. Search engines will operate on any string of keywords, so the researcher can include moderately long sentences, most of which will be ignored in producing the aggregation of 'found' links. That means this style could be used for a clumsy encryption method that evades causal readers and site text filters. Since search routines are especially forgiving of misspelling, taboo words can be misspelled whenever they are not part of an established web address. I have found that intentional misspelling is also a tactic that improves search results, presumably because errors force the search algorithm to scout-around more carefully, there is less confidence in a 'found' item, therefore does not come to a quick acceptance of a 'hit'. Also, some keywords are 'hot-buttons' that dominate returns.
sequel Fringe Theory of Character Assassination, illuminates the style by shining on defamation schemes.
Afterthought: Moderator of s/fringe, u/baal has not been active for about a year. If there is any interest in adding me as mod, I might accept. My feature attitude is fringe, and this sub is not popular, just about right for me. Probably unnecessary, sub participation is poor too. (Good.)
there doesn't seem to be anything here