a new order: Independence Hall, Philly.PA
OWO: Old World Order, iow a well established paradigm for a significant population, eg. Constitution believers
prequel Breakaway Civilization (an Occult Alternative)
prequel Breakaway Theme 3, a social construct
If it's a civilization we are considering to escape, well that's a big, established system under other people's control (OPC, see precedent OPM). The motivation to escape is the desire [to live under one's OWN control](define freedom). Can't do that when OP pwn your environment.
Fight or Flight, response
War Is Coming!!! Are You Ready … Will You Fight? Sep.2019
In this essay, we're looking at flight, ie. escape, because fight deserves its own exploration, is much more difficult to achieve a successful outcome, and flight is far more common as an escape mode. To WHAT are we supposed to escape?
Easy Outs
Of course the easiest path of escape is to die, iow the self-inflicted terminal condition, iow suicide. For sure, that choice is a LAST resort. I consider that route for cowards and hopeless cases (sometimes it's the best way forward).
Another common path of escape is forced imprisonment. You get caught doing something naughty, find yourself locked up. I consider that route for Squalidetes (custom word file, scroll down).
Extremophiles, ref. humans, liking conditions the mainstream abhors.
life at the fringe
proof of Judaic insanity, the (((tzitzit))), a literal fringe, LoL.
Onomatopeia (fun on)
Well done, despond one man's escape to the woods of Concord Mass., or what to do when despondent in town.
toward a Hermit Age?
our man's hermits see study notes, if this is not familiar
who runs the world? image
Rural Flee Market (when cities burn, fun off)
One winner amid the virus and the riots… the suburban real estate market Jun.4
"Let the Cities Burn (or Not)" annotated RCP repost Jul.26
COLLAPSE of Democrat-run cities now imminent Jun.16
RV sales uptrend
Urban Escape and Evasion Techniques After The Collapse
Americans flee crowded cities amid COVID-19, consider permanent moves May.1
RV sales rise amid pandemic May.30
Campsites, RV industry see record numbers as people look to escape cabin fever Jul.28
SHTF plans
Prep Your Apartment or Suburban Home for Riots and Civil Unrest Sep.23
Economics & Investing For Preppers (overview) Jun.26
Oaths: all enemies foreign and domestic
Honorable quotes (source)
John Adams 1787, speech to Mass. militia officers
“. . . we have no government armed with power capable of contending with human passions unbridled by morality and religion. Avarice, ambition, revenge, or gallantry, would break the strongest cords of our Constitution as a whale goes through a net. Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other... Oaths in this country are as yet universally considered as sacred obligations. That (oath) which you have taken and so solemnly repeated on that venerable spot, is an ample pledge of your sincerity and devotion to your country and its government.“
Ronald Reagan
“We must reject the idea that every time a law’s broken, society is guilty rather than the lawbreaker. It is time to restore the American precept that each individual is accountable for his actions.”
John F. Kennedy July 4, 1962, Independence Hall
“On this fourth day of July, 1962, we who are gathered at this same hall, entrusted with the fate and future of our States and Nation, declare now our vow to do our part to lift the weights from the shoulders of all, to join other men and nations in preserving both peace and freedom, and to regard any threat to the peace or freedom of one as a threat to the peace and freedom of all.“ (wwg1wga)
What happens when a significant "domestic" population defects en masse to a foreign allegiance? Restore the core, or jump to a new theme?
First off, how could such a thing happen?
Yuri Bezmenov explains how communist ideas have been inculcated into university students, who go on to become thought leaders, teachers, and government employees.
Communist ideals are Un-American, anti-trad-European, and anti-Constitution. They derive from middle-eastern ideals of a supreme being who has absolute power, and his minions (disguised as the "state") who have special privileges. American Founding Fathers were confused by having devotion to these ideas in the form of Christianity, but which had been turned away by the Protestant Reformation. By breaking away from British sovereignty, they had resolved to break away also from the traditions of birth and privilege held by the old order. They resolved to make a new departure to last a long time, a Novus Ordo Seclorum, Mason-style (caution: hot button alert, scroll way down).
How COMMUNISM and the U.N. set out to DESTROY AMERICA Part 1 (enhanced)
The Road to Destruction of USA from within by Communist Subversion Part 2
Lee Smith: The Permanent Coup: How Enemies Foreign and Domestic Targeted the American President Aug.17 | brtbt
Christian tolerance and acceptance are weakness;;; tolerance always loses to intolerance
Intolerance with compassion: divide and transfer; breakaway from the evil trend back toward OWO, come back to the breakaway new order, and keep it secular.
How to be intolerant of deviants from tradition (subverted youths), without being tyrannical? SEGREGATION
Breakaway theme 5
study notes
while conforming to establishment psy-ops, approaches the topic of frontiers
one of the mainstream psy-ops, climate change https://insideclimatenews.org/news/12082020/zoonotic-diseases-coronavirus-climate-change-video
Herman's Hermits
world news index | ndnXpr India origin reports, in English (high quality)
Democratic plan in rural, swing state counties: Lose by less Aug.22
"A bigger bonus would be the mass arrests of all warmongers involved in the rise of terrorism all over the globe. But that could be a long shot considering that Zionists may be lurking from within Trump’s inner circle." (self.C_S_T)
ROC, the Breakaway China 7.3 min
there doesn't seem to be anything here