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[–]JasonCarswell 2 insightful - 2 fun2 insightful - 1 fun3 insightful - 2 fun -  (0 children)

You're full of shit.

The division comes from the ruling class.

If Bernie wasn't such a fucking coward shill, and even if he is, the "left" would certainly rather have him over Biden any day. But the left doesn't get to authentically choose their leader - because the ruling class has rigged it - just as they do with the media and their CIA infiltrated Corporate SJW Dem "message" with which we all have legitimate gripes, but certainly not ALL the blame.

Most of the "left" does NOT buy into the insane Corporate SJW Dem "message" or their corporate media propaganda.

Most of the left has been disenfranchised.

If you want to play the blame game - blame your President Trump who has been utterly impotent since this whole Scamdemic thing started, refusing to do anything substantial other than to allow regional authorities and their infiltrators to abuse citizens and their property. This intentional abuse is staged so that later the impotent Trump can finally come in and "dominate" with the National Guard like a cuck AFTER the damage has been done by the locals. I'm certain he will claim victory and prance around like a twat claiming all the glory for doing squat. All according to schedule to amass more power and control, eventually, after we've all been taught the hard lessons.

It's NOT about left or right. It's about TOP DOWN control. You're a completely propagandized imbecile if you think otherwise after so many of us have laid it out for you - repeatedly.