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[–]Jesus 3 insightful - 2 fun3 insightful - 1 fun4 insightful - 2 fun -  (3 children)

"Capitalism" is owning the MONETARY/CREDIT & STATUTORY POLICY production from which all corporations exist. Gerard Malynes, 1622.

That's why capitalism didn't exist in the U.S. corp territories until Rockefeller and JP Morgan. Come to find out, rich people creating cheap workers is now suddenly "prosperity gospel" for Team America Inc.

And then we have commie inc. proposing 70% marginal tax rate on multimillionaire incomes.... ahhhhhh , hello, why not propose CAPITAL TAX...otherwise they just dodge the damned tax like JP Morgan or Rockefeller! Geeze.

But then we have Team US corp whining about how capitalism is 'freedom' or stupidly suggesting that "capitalism" is somehow older than JP Morgan?

This is American Capitalism:

...and no amount of sock puppets, shills and bots can negate this.

Capitalism is when a small group of people who control a private corporation, claim it's a "government" & use violence/propaganda to coerce all others to do what their told. Just like communism and socialism. All three models are the complete opposite of a meritocracy.

America LLC was only ever private corporations as "muh government", was never "muh free market" & "muh capitalism" meme was a banking scam to legitimize outlawed loan-sharking. Meme-jobs like wall-street or the government don't feed a nation. And we are top-heavy with meme-jobs.

UBI FOR FARMERS! Or not... because it's 'better' near nobody can afford it and we instead subsidise wall-street whilst they plan on going back to the golden or silver calf of reserve backed currency based on the worship of "intrinsic value" like all the Libertardiams morons speak of. Yes, that's it, it is better we live in an unsustainable meme make-work economy where the billionaires fatten themselves up and the lazy don't know how to plant a tomato plant yet produce poop piss and garbage, stinking up the cities and doing a great service to technocratic impact/vale market corporations.

As for Every-ism: Allowed fake vote to buy from Limited Inc., then shot when you complain on sub-standard services. Same with fascism & capitalism.

Capitalism & the "american dream" god, no real churches, no soul...just money. Always the money, only the money on nu-age masonic naturalism.

Or a better future... Public banks (county-based banks; non-private ie. moving private credit) should issue experimental Universal Basic Income, though, so few in operation, and illegal for a state sub-franchise such as Massachusetts Inc., to do so; so as to increase basic cred flow to suppressed areas, which will increase spending and automatically create small corps for retail products...

Farming might come back in style if normal people could afford to do it + local distribution; though big companies are not fond of small distribution from small companies.

It would also alleviate Soc.Sec. admin/book problems & take pressure off the courts/prisons. MAYBE.


It is impossible for an imaginary corporation to owe itself imaginary money via other imaginary sub-franchise corporations, when it can really print all the imaginary credit & currency it ever will require ab initio at will, Descarte. – CaptainSlappy

But the Libertardians and politicians for some reason don't want you to know that, or, maybe they don't know that. Maybe they are as ignorant as they look, probably not.

[–][deleted] 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun -  (1 child)

Backstory - not that I support Nazi party approaches (at all) - but this was a general concern among many in Germany in the 1930s:

Early in his membership in the Nazi Party, Hitler presented the Jews as behind all of Germany's moral and economic problems, as featuring in both Bolshevism and international capitalism.

It wasn't just a problem of selecting a common enemy (even that were part of it), but to address legitimate concerns about "Bolshevism and international capitalism," which made very few rich at the expense of everyone else.

As campitalism developed in the US, so did the American dream, but the effects of "late stage capitalism" were challenged as early as the Eisenhower administration (the legitimate Conservatives), were drowned out in main stream media by "yellow dog Democrats" in the 1970s, and then Redical Republicans developed a puppet presidency that started the process of borrowing trillions from abroad, higher taxes, stealing from Social Security, and deregulation in order to develop capitalist investment in the US corporate projects (from military to household goods & services). This seemed to work well, for 4 years, but led to bankruptcies, massive debts, rising inflation, low wages and a recession just after 8 years.

As had been the concern in Germany in the 1930s, the 1% got richer during this period of late stage capitalism in the 1980s-2010s, whereas the 99% remained poor. One reason that this has continued for 40 years is that many in the US are glued to TVs, entertainment, internet, gaming, Fox News, and other fantasies that keep them from thinking about their lives and the impact of late stage capitalism on their futures. Indeed, many of them live vicariously in these imaginary worlds, and via reality TV, while also electing a reality TV star as president in 2016. The Kardashians are also part of the world of these slaves to capitalism.

And before anyone wants to call the alternative to this "communism" or "socialism", think of the means by which wages remain low while the 1% get rich. That is socialism for the wealthy.

A moderate approach to capitalism would require that workers keep more of the company profits.

But for this to work, people will have to discard the many illusions in their lives that are supplied by the "international capitalists".

[–]Jesus 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Socks, you're sort of right but wrong at the same time.

stealing from Social Security, and deregulation in order to develop capitalist investment in the US corporate projects (from military to household goods & services).

Yes, whilst holding nominee accounts in say China. That was the case of British politicians and I reason US politicians as well, who during this period made nominee accounts secret because "it would jepordize national security and public safety," ie. your politicians are making money off you by betting against you. They worked to supress wages for thirty years to try to create an equilibbeium with China so as to "bring jobs back," as Trump and now Biden contends. That was part of the plan from the very beginning, all whilst offshoring. How sucessful were or will they be, time will only tell but the working and middle class still lost miserably and is and will be exploited by lower stagnanted wages not fixed to inflation as a tactic to devalue currency to "bring back these Jobs" in this make work meme service retail economy that is now unsustainable today. It's either, use a catalyst to slightly destroy the economy so as to inject credit or destroy it completely, have corporations buyback stocks and re-inject back into economy. Either way, covid appeared to be the perfect catylyzt for this and they did just that. In this case it happened to be Zionists, Jews and non-Jews as well as US corps lovely politicians that manufactured these problems so as to make a quick buck. Then again, Washington was probably worse than congress which is probably why they cut up his credit card.

One reason that this has continued for 40 years is that many in the US are glued to TVs, entertainment, internet, gaming, Fox News, and other fantasies that keep them from thinking about their lives and the impact of late stage capitalism on their futures. Indeed, many of them live vicariously in these imaginary worlds, and via reality TV, while also electing a reality TV star as president in 2016. The Kardashians are also part of the world of these slaves to capitalism.

Not really. For-profit pfivate corporations known as GOP and DNC select candidates, which is illegal and then the corporation known as the Electoral college and possibly congress selects who will become executive officer of US corp. The citizens 'vote' is a deception and does not count. It is useless. They already know who will win and who will contend for EO of Us corp well before they are selected. And, say if every citizen voted for Kayne Wedt and he won on 'Electoral college votes' and the popular vote, incorporated member reps would get together and vote against this and have congress vote in favor of someone else. So, a real populist that would transform the corporation so as to work for the people as a whole for the common good, can, legally, always be refused to step foot in office even if he wins all states and popular vote. Imagine that!

And before anyone wants to call the alternative to this "communism" or "socialism", think of the means by which wages remain low while the 1% get rich. That is socialism for the wealthy.

Exactly, very true. The problem in US corpland is people are ignorant, not very creative on what could be done and politicians are mostly greedy grifting Zionists that will always look out for their 100,000+ salary not including lobby money, than they would for the common good for all.

A moderate approach to capitalism would require that workers keep more of the company profits.

Which was a grievance of National Socialism but under an autocracy system of control that refused to allow the 'free-market' to work at the expense of the welfare of all, in this case, the ethnic German because Nazis were 'racially inclined' politicians, though diametrially opposed to Zionists who also implement, still to this day, 'racially inclined' policies, though diametrically opposed to Universal humanist Jews, who are becoming fewer and fewer as Zionist propaganda becomes stronger and stronger.

We can be creative though and we don't have to pick any ism or cry to mom about how the dead masonic greedy founders (bankers, Land speculators, lawyers, slave holders; not one Farmer or mechanic) believed this so we must do it; to recognize that what we have now is not working and that measures must be implemented to aid for the common good and welfare of all.

But for this to work, people will have to discard the many illusions in their lives that are supplied by the "international capitalists".

Now that is what a Nazi would say, are you a Nazi? You're literally Hitler... no wait... you're STALIN!!! Yes, I know they were funded by international capitalists in the beginning of their rise but who cares socks, you are worse than Hitler or Stalin, you are latching out as a peasant, this is shameful! /s

[–]Canbot 3 insightful - 1 fun3 insightful - 0 fun4 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Stupid people cry because they can't rationalize.