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[–]dcjogger 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

The USA feels like the Twilight Zone today.

Our overlords make a decree and we just have to obey it like slaves.

Americans who were taught to love freedom must be puzzled now be told to be Nazis and Commies.

The only options now seems to either be a obedient slave and pay taxes, dropout, or go Postal.

Americans are finding out that breaking the law is easy when everything is illegal, illegal aliens don't obey the law, and the government doesn't obey the law. When you are suddenly forced to buy insurance or register your guns, you might think every law has become a joke.

Do you feel safer now?

Do Americans not feel responsible for wars, debt, checkpoints, NDAA indefinite detention, kill lists, NSA wiretapping, curfews, gun bans, forfeiture, the end to the right to silence, free speech bans, torture, kill lists, no fly lists, searches without warrants, private prisons, mandatory minimums, 3 strikes laws, DNA databases, CISPA, SOPA, IMBRA, FBAR, FATCA, TSA groping, secret FISA courts, and Jade Helm?

How do you feel when someone looks you in the eye and tells you that everything is just fine?

What do you think when someone tells you that all the problems in the US would be fixed by a trade war, bailouts, mandatory microchip implants, a higher minimum wage, free college, launching more wars, increasing the debt, banning free speech, closing churches, outlawing protests, banning guns, outlawing straws, and increasing forfeiture?

Do you think the elites have learned their lesson and will end the police state, end the wars, and decrease the debt on their own?

Do you think tyranny won't get worse?