Looking at videos of AI image generation makes me kind of horrified:
Under normal circumstances I think society would certainly collapse, but I am worried that AI might get to the point that it would supercede human creativity, and prolong our rotten civilization for another 1000 years.
This is why right now I support r-selected thugs in breeding like rabbits. I hope the stupid thugs outbreed intelligent people, because it is the intelligent scum who are making the AI. The more resources the thugs consume, the more problems they cause, the more they contribute to turning the San Francisco Bay Area into an unlivable shithole, the harder it will be for the intelligent scum to postpone the collapse by creating superhuman AI.
As a side note, this weekend I will try to in investigate the AI tools used to generate the video. I am curious to see if I can generate images like those by running some script on my home computer, without being connected to the internet. If generating these images requires the computations to be done by some supercomputing "cloud" somewhere, then this is a good sign, because it means the AI technology can very easily get "lost" if there is an economic crash affecting the companies hosting these supercomputing clouds. But if I can run it all locally, this is bad because it means that the AI technology will linger.
there doesn't seem to be anything here