I am recovering from COVID (I was in close contact with people who tested positive) and I must say that although I am miserable, I would say that overall it is a little less worse than the flu.
I will describe my Covid symptoms: I had a mild cough the first few 3 days. Maybe once every 30 minutes I would cough and it wasn't a bad or frustrating cough, and it wasn't one that was very noticeable to others. During this time I went about my day like normal. Then the cough went away and I thought I was better.
The cough never came back but then about a day later I started getting muscle aches and feeling sick, to the point that I left work to go home early. At home I got a bad fever. I had a sore throat too and couldn't sleep. I kept taking hot showers because this was soothing. But after the shower the sick feeling would come back. I was bedridden and could not sit up straight because I was too sick.
A day after this, I didn't feel as sick, but still had a fever and sore throat. I was able to walk around and sit in a more upright position. Still sick but much better overall. I have been in this state for the last 24 hours and it is frustrating how it will still not go away.
But overall, even though it is miserable, I would say it is not as bad as the flu, because with the flu I get congested, and this one of the worst aspects for me, but with COVID I did not get congested at all. It is nice to be able to breathe out of both my nostrils, without any pain or pressure in my sinuses.
Also, take your vitamin D and whatever other vitamins will help your immune system, because I did not get sick from the last few Covid waves, but I got sick from this one. You don't want to get sick if you can avoid it. It is not fun.
[–]SMCAB 2 insightful - 1 fun2 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 0 fun3 insightful - 1 fun - (0 children)
[–]Zapped 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun - (0 children)