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/s/11MRadio: 11 Meter radio - The real CB radio sub

This sub is for everything CB radio, enjoy your stay :)

20,190 subscribers20,191 subscribers20,193 subscribers, a community for 6 years

/s/SundogsPlace: News&Life

News, Pets, Life & Fun. Something interesting for everyone.

18,698 subscribers18,699 subscribers18,701 subscribers, a community for 5 years

/s/InfoGalactic: - a free uncensored wiki project

is a free uncensored wiki project, as a deep-linked mirrored Wikipedia fork of customized articles, new content, and original wiki-based sub-projects.

18,419 subscribers18,420 subscribers18,422 subscribers, a community for 5 years

/s/CringeAnarchy: The New Home of Peace and Tolerance

Reddit kicked us out, so I decided to set up a new home for us here :)

14,497 subscribers14,498 subscribers14,500 subscribers, a community for 5 years

/s/casualChildAbuse: Casual Child Abuse: raising awareness for child abuse that goes under the radar.

The goal of this subreddit is NOT to glorify child abuse - it is quite the contrary. We call out people being casual about abusing their children and raise awareness of these things, with the intent that, if our visitors see it in the wild (e.g. a Facebook friend or something), that they would recognise it as being ABUSE even if the person is being casual about it, and that they would raise alarm bells with the authorities rather than just scroll past.

14,333 subscribers14,334 subscribers14,336 subscribers, a community for 5 years

/s/200acres: Blood and Soil

Saving up money to buy some land.

Homesteading, self-improvement, tribalism, nationalism.

We went private. The public anchor sub is r/200.

If you were a lurker that's not a problem. Send literally two sentences about yourself/views. Nothing lengthy, just something that gives me a feel for who you are. I actually don't care about your political beliefs, I don't care if you're even a liberal here who wants to lurk or occasionally comment, I'm just looking for people who are genuine.

14,311 subscribers14,312 subscribers14,314 subscribers, a community for 5 years

/s/Techgore: Techgore - Watch technology fail

The Saidit equivalent of Techsupportgore (et al), this includes: Messed up error messages, tech support horror stories, Public BSODs/Kernel Panics/Linux Oopsies/Whatever you can come across as long the system has critically failed (hereinafter, PBSOD), literal bugs in a piece of technology (oh nope nope nope), cracked screen, software carnage... Feel free to suggest more. TL;DR this subsaid is a mix of Techsupportgore, Softwaregore, hardwaregore, Technope.

13,680 subscribers13,681 subscribers13,683 subscribers, a community for 5 years



12,821 subscribers12,822 subscribers12,824 subscribers, a community for 4 years

/s/debatealtright: Honest good faith debaters welcome here.

For debating members of the Alt Right (aka 'dissident' right).

9,387 subscribers9,388 subscribers9,390 subscribers, a community for 4 years

/s/todayifuckedup: Today I Fucked Up

A community for the dumbass in all of us. We all have those moments where we do something ridiculously stupid. Share your stories and laugh along with the internet.

7,878 subscribers7,879 subscribers7,881 subscribers, a community for 4 years