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/s/PsyOps: PsyOps - Psychological Operations

PsyOps - Psychological Operations

PsyOps are psychological operations to convey selected information and indicators to audiences to influence their emotions, motives, and objective reasoning, and ultimately the behavior of governments, organizations, groups, and individuals.

17,604 subscribers17,605 subscribers17,607 subscribers, a community for 5 years

/s/USIsrael: US Israel Relations

US Israel Relations

This critical relationship demands focus with a dedicated sub, not to be confused nor conflated with pros and cons of each nation nor their citizens.

Civil criticisms of the governments, policies, and their actions are welcome. Anti-Semitism won't be tolerated nor lazy use of "the Jews". Be specific or be blocked.

It's fair to say, "Zionists have a superiority complex belief in a right to deceive, enslave, and exploit humanity, and murder goyim as they see fit."

17,545 subscribers17,546 subscribers17,548 subscribers, a community for 5 years

/s/PoliticalAnalysis: Political Analysis - how and why

Political Analysis

Understanding how and why are just as important as knowing who said or did what, where, and when for a fuller picture.

"Mainstream" corporate political news rarely provides much context by critically breaking down reports, statements, ideas, dogmas, tribalism, leaders, actions, policies, economics, class, division, manipulation, exploitation, corruption, extermination, wars, technology, history, and the politics of our world.

15,895 subscribers15,896 subscribers15,898 subscribers, a community for 5 years

/s/VaccineSkepticism: Vaccine Skepticism - Vaccine pros, cons, questions, answers, propaganda, analysis, and sharing.

Vaccine Skepticism

Vaccine pros, cons, questions, answers, propaganda, analysis, and sharing.

15,296 subscribers15,297 subscribers15,299 subscribers, a community for 5 years

/s/WallStreetBets: WallStreetBets

community for beginning and experienced traders to learn and make highly risky leveraged Bets in the stock market for maximum returns that could make the great Warren Buffet turn in his eventual grave

14,936 subscribers14,937 subscribers14,939 subscribers, a community for 5 years

/s/Mutualism: Free Market Anti-Capitalism + Individualist Anarchism

Markets not Capitalism, & Let The Free Market Eat The Rich. Free Market Anti-Capitalism FTW! Open Source, Free Culture, Alternative Cuurencies such as Cryptocurrencies & Mutual Credit, Mutual Banks, Co-Ops, Self-Employment, & all that good stuff.

13,680 subscribers13,681 subscribers13,683 subscribers, a community for 5 years

/s/CopyrightActivism: CopyrightActivism - your culture is not yours to do with as you please.


The pop culture forced on us all is rigged to serve elite interests of the globalist corporatocracy - exploiting you for their banal distracting enslaving propaganda entrainment. That culture is not yours to do with as you please. Your culture is owned and protected as challengers are squashed.

There are alternatives, solutions, and ways to resist.

9,508 subscribers9,509 subscribers9,511 subscribers, a community for 4 years

/s/StockMarket: Stock Market

A place to talk about stocks.

9,177 subscribers9,178 subscribers9,180 subscribers, a community for 4 years

/s/FantasyFootball: FantasyFootball - NFL News / Dynasty / IDP / Redraft / Commish Advice

News / Redraft / IDP / Dynasty /Commissioner Advice. We are here to provide the latest Fantasy news, to help commissioners with advice and determining collusion, to ask about your team and who you should start, and to dominate your redraft, dynasty, and IDP leagues, football is HERE.

6,164 subscribers6,165 subscribers6,167 subscribers, a community for 4 years

/s/DynastyFF: DynastyFF

5,063 subscribers5,064 subscribers5,066 subscribers, a community for 4 years