all 3 comments

[–]suckitreddit[S] 2 insightful - 2 fun2 insightful - 1 fun3 insightful - 2 fun -  (0 children)

I know my rant is a bit messy, but I hate when companies are skinflints, and lie about it, saying shit like it's for the environment. Really, they do not give a fuck about the environment. As I said, if they did care about the environment, they wouldn't shovel products out the door every minute.

What Apple is doing is being cheapskates to make more profits. This move to not include the wall adapter is not for the environment. It's for money. If it's not for money, why not just give the adapter to people at no extra cost if they need it? They wouldn't.

Apple can barely make the argument that this is for the environment. If they cared they wouldn't sell a new watch at all. They'd wait a couple years, and then release a new one. But no, they have to release a new one every fucking season!

Then they have the audacity to say not including a tiny adapter is for the environment. Bullshit. Your customers have all the gadgets, and gizmos they need. They don't need another one. Wanna save the environment? Stop making all this bullshit. Not including a wall adapter is for the environment? Oooh, wee, Captain Planet over here!

Obviously, this is just a move for more profits. And that's fine. I'm not anti-capitalist. I just hate when companies like this get on their high horse, and pretend they're helping. You're not helping, Apple. Well, you're helping yourselves.

I can only imagine what the CEO of Apple would say...

CUNT: We're releasing a new Apple watch! No wall adapter included because of the environment.

ME: If you care about the environment don't release a new watch. People have last year's model. It's fine.

CUNT: No, lots of people will be new customers.

ME: Then why have you not included the wall adapter? They're new customers, right? They'll need it.

CUNT: For the environment.

ME: But they're new customers. Right? They'll need the wall adapter. They have to buy it to use your product. If you don't include it in the box, they'll have to do a second transaction, and that is inefficient, and therefore bad for the environment.

CUNT: Wow. I'm a cunt...


Fuck, I ranted about this for way too long. Nobody read this probably, but if you did, thanks for listening. Bye! Fuck Apple!

[–]Callmesavior 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

If you dont like,just dont buy it.Period. But you cant stop buying apple,so you are ranting,right? Pathetic.

[–]suckitreddit[S] 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

One more thing... I know that people usually call it a "wall charger." But I've called it a wall adapter. Am I wrong? I've seen others call it a wall adapter (i.e., USB wall adapter).