Pretty sure it's omicron. Been sick about 2.5 days now. Symptoms are very light (4/10 in intensity) but exactly like previous covid infections I had. Sore throat, nausea, extreme fatigue, cold sweats, loss of appetite, dizziness, digestion issues, coughing, lung discomfort. I feel relatively fine until I stand up and try to do something, which was the hallmark of my previous covid infections.
The previous covid infections I had were like 9/10 in intensity and I felt extremely ill. I don't know if it's because of natural immunity, or if because Omicron is weaker (which I hear is the case), but this time it's really not so bad in comparison. The symptoms are almost weak enough I could pretend to ignore it, but I know that will only make me feel worse in the long run so I'm taking it very easy for the next week.
I'm taking zinc with an ionophore, like Quercetin or Hydroxychloroquine (I'm using Quercetin), but you have to have both zinc and an ionophore for it to be effective from what I've read. I also took a small amount of ivermectin. Finally I'm taking (non-flushing) niacin, which breaks up blood clots caused by covid and the spike proteins.
As far as testing, I'm not getting tested, as it benefits me nothing, and also the tests have been shown to be unreliable with many false positives and false negatives so the results aren't even particularly useful anyway. And then on top of it the nasal swab tests might contain remnants of Ethylene Oxide which is cancerous, which is used to sterilize the swabs and then they do a process to get rid of it after sterilization, but this process is not 100%. So some small amount of Ethylene Oxide remains on the swab, but it's regulated to be below 5ppm. But repeated exposure to blood vessels near the brain might not be good, especially if punctured, and it all comes down to how much they actually removed and how many repeated exposures a person gets.
Apparently half of medical equipment is sterilized this way... and we're seeing rising rates of leukemia over the years, which could potentially be caused by residual Ethylene Oxide on all the medical equipment...
Anyway, omicron seems like the flu in intensity. And the mRNA shots basically don't prevent infection for omicron, according to the numbers. So it seems like everyone is going to get this thing. Also it's spreading much more quickly, it's expected to entirely displace Delta (where Delta will no longer exist in large numbers) in just 3-4 weeks based on current rates of growth, compared to the 3-4 months that Delta took to displace the initial strain of covid. Cases are doubling ever 2-3 days. I also know a friend of a friend who is sick and tested positive as well, just yesterday.
I recommend this guy's youtube channel for information, he's a doctor who is fairly impartial about all the evidence and reviews it in a clear way and is very much against vaccine mandates because he's seeing how poorly the mRNA shots work. But he reviews all the evidence in a fair way and paints a realistic picture of what's going on.
What he's saying about it basically match my experience perfectly. No fever, no runny nose, but all these other light symptoms. This guy is also saying that omicron tends to live in the bronchi of the lungs instead of deeper in the lung sacs like the original strain did, which thankfully makes it less severe and less deadly.
Anyway, it's likely some of you will probably get it soon too since it's spreading so rapidly (and also right at Christmas and new years when everyone is mingling). Just take care of yourself, drink lots of fluids and keep eating, and just rest a lot. Given the lack of severity, I think I'll be over it in a week or two. But I am definitely sick.
The fact it spreads so easily and the symptoms are so weak is actually a very hopeful thing, as maybe everyone will get it and then we'll actually have herd immunity when everyone has natural immunity, without people getting too sick. Then it will be forced to evolve to weaker forms, then maybe in a few years it will be like the flu or weaker. Then we'd actually be done with it for real, and everyone would be naturally immune. That would be nice.
Anyway, I'm going to rest up, but I wanted to share with the saidit community in case this info is helpful to someone else. What's the point of a community if you don't talk about real info, right? Take care of yourselves during the holidays!
[–]BravoVictor 13 insightful - 16 fun13 insightful - 15 fun14 insightful - 15 fun14 insightful - 16 fun - (5 children)
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[–]Jesus 5 insightful - 2 fun5 insightful - 1 fun6 insightful - 1 fun6 insightful - 2 fun - (1 child)
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