Malcolm Collins made a bunch of money by throwing his Stanford MBA against problems in venture capital. Now he is rich enough to host a YouTube channel that says nasty things about large groups of people.
Malcolm Collins and Simone Collins claim to be concerned with demographic collapse. That is all well and good. They claim to be of non-Jewish stock, and Malcolm equivocates on whether he is a real Christian Calvinist or an ultra-cynical atheist LARPing as a Calvinist. At any rate, Malcolm has set himself up as a thought leader, or guru, or whatever the title is for a self-promoting narcissist.
Oddly, Malcolm Collins rails against the evils of cults such as Hare Krishna even while he appears to be setting up his own little cult. His publicity is very slick, with a frequently updated YouTube channel and some free e-books about how he understands neuroscience and memetics and thus is qualified to lead humanity to the stars. I did not find any pro-Israel comments, but Malcolm smelled like a shabbos goy, set up to defend the overclass. Then I noticed the following YouTube comments:
Malcolm has very deep evangelical biases. It bleeds into almost everything he talks about if you're aware of it. A few major one's I can remember: the superiority of the elect, misunderstanding saints and the purpose of the transcendent beauty within catholic cathedrals, Zionists are God's chosen people and can do no wrong, all emotions are sinful, etc....
@tann_man agreed, his last talk on Gaza was pretty eye opening for me, that the only reason people disagree with what Israel is doing is because they hate Jews... my eyes rolled almost out of my skull.
It is entirely possible that Collins is simply acting out in a narcissistic way and using his Protestant upbringing as a means of religious narcissism. It is also possible that he is politically motivated to promote Jewish chauvinism under the guise of Zionism.
[–]iamonlyoneman 4 insightful - 1 fun4 insightful - 0 fun5 insightful - 0 fun5 insightful - 1 fun - (0 children)