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/s/ElderScrolls: The Elder Scrolls game series.

The Elder Scrolls (commonly referred to as TES) is an award-winning series of roleplaying games created by Bethesda Softworks. Set in the vast world of Nirn, The Elder Scrolls series is renowned for the level of unprecedented control given the player over his or her character's destiny, establishing itself as the benchmark in immersive, independently-living worlds for the RPG genre.

Here is a place for you to post memes, lore, speculations and much more.

6,547 subscribers6,548 subscribers6,550 subscribers, a community for 4 years

/s/BiblicalSubmission: Biblical Submission for women

This sub is for women that love God with all their heart and soul. As such we take the bible seriously and seek to become the kind of women that teaches us to be. We embrace our biology and femininity and walk with our heads high in a world that seeks to belittle us.

66 subscribers67 subscribers69 subscribers, a community for 3 years

/s/JewishSupremacy: The archive of Jewish supremacy and racism across the world.

The archive of Jewish attempts at supremacy across the globe.

44 subscribers45 subscribers47 subscribers, a community for 3 years

/s/The_Matrix: Wake up Neo

Take the red pill.

21 subscribers22 subscribers24 subscribers, a community for 2 years

/s/wildideas: Wild ideas with no evidence or perhaps some

A place to just write some wild idea you had. You dont need any evidence and no one need believe you. In order to post you must adhere to these rules:

1) Write well (or as well as you can) 2) Be interesting (or be funny) 3) Dont be rude

If you break any of these rules you will be kicked off reddit.

7 subscribers8 subscribers10 subscribers, a community for 3 years

/s/TrueChristian: Christianity

We are a subreddit that exists to provide a safe haven for all followers of Jesus Christ, so that we may discuss God, Jesus, the Bible, and information relevant to our beliefs. This is a subreddit for followers of Jesus Christ.

a community for 3 years

/s/Hail_Mary: Hail Mary, Full of Grace

A place for people who sincerely want to share their resources, thoughts, and questions about perhaps the greatest mystery of faith: Mary, Mother of God, Queen of Saints, Our Lady of Sorrows, Our Lady of the Rosary, Our Lady of Mount Carmel, Our Lady of Fatima, The Woman Clothed in the Sun, and so much more.

4 subscribers5 subscribers7 subscribers, a community for 2 years

/s/JesusHChrist: Jesus H. Christ

Stuff that makes you say "Jesus H. Christ".

2 subscribers3 subscribers5 subscribers, a community for 8 months