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/s/KotakuInAction: KotakuInAction on

'“bastion against SJWs in all forms in all media”' Sub for refugees from /r/kotakuinaction2 and /r/kotakuinaction due to the Reddit sitewide rule changes of September 29, 2019.

[description update needed]

18,466 subscribers18,467 subscribers18,469 subscribers, a community for 5 years

/s/InfoGalactic: - a free uncensored wiki project

is a free uncensored wiki project, as a deep-linked mirrored Wikipedia fork of customized articles, new content, and original wiki-based sub-projects.

18,417 subscribers18,418 subscribers18,420 subscribers, a community for 5 years

/s/Crime: Crime


Corporate Crime, Crimes Against Animals Humanity & Nature, Cyber, Drugs, Fraud, Hate, Petty, Police, Scams, Sex Crimes, State Crime, Theft, ThoughtCrime, True Crime, Violent Crime, Vivisection, War Crime... + Organized Crime (All Governments, Banksters, Big Pharma, Bush-Clinton-Royal Families, CFR, CIA, DoD, 5-Eyes, Insurance, IRS, Lobbyists, Mafias, Monopolies, NSA, NWO, Pedo-Rings, Prison Industry, SWAT, Totalitarianism, Usury, Wall St, Yellow Journalism, Zionism)

18,131 subscribers18,132 subscribers18,134 subscribers, a community for 5 years

/s/Justice_v_Injustice: Justice_v_Injustice - equality, fairness, law, legality, prisons, punishment, corrections, reform


All things pertaining to justice, injustice, fairness, equality, law, legality, prison, punishment, corrections, reform, the judicial system, the legislative system, the prison industrial complex, migrants, refugees, aliens, etc. and how it's all rigged to serve elite interests of the globalist corporatocracy.

9,514 subscribers9,515 subscribers9,517 subscribers, a community for 5 years

/s/SocialJusticeInAction: Cataloguing SJWs in action

Submissions showing the reality of SJWs trying to keep the world woke.

144 subscribers145 subscribers147 subscribers, a community for 3 years

/s/ChristianRight: Christian Right: For God and Country

Are you a Christian or Christian-sympathetic person with Alt Right leanings? Tired of other sub devolving into screeches and accusations of racism whenever your politics come up? Come here to unwind.

92 subscribers93 subscribers95 subscribers, a community for 4 years

/s/MeanwhileOnMetafilter: Meanwhile On Metafilter...

Gawk at the internet's classic cloistered SJW Snowflake Echochamber:

5 subscribers6 subscribers8 subscribers, a community for 3 years

/s/Entertainmentgate: Entertainment Gate or EGATE

The ultimate gate against the sjws

2 subscribers3 subscribers5 subscribers, a community for 4 years