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/s/WayOfTheBern: Feel the Bern!

We don't see politics along a left/right divide, we see politics along a top/bottom divide.

19,883 subscribers19,884 subscribers19,886 subscribers, a community for 5 years

/s/electionintegrity: electionintegrity

Posts and links related to election integrity. Off-topic posts and post that violate SaidIt rules will be removed.

8 subscribers9 subscribers11 subscribers, a community for 3 years

/s/WOTBSubstack: WOTBSubstack

Archive for WOTB

a community for 1 year

/s/WOTBchat: WOTB mod chat

Private sub to set up a private mod chat per my communication with SaidIt admin magnora7.

a community for 11 months

/s/WOTBArchive: WOTB Archive

An archive of links on various subjects compiled by WayOfTheBern members.

a community for 2 years

/s/WOTBSandbox: WOTBSandbox

Private sub for moderators to work out bugs while drinking.

a community for 2 years