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/s/Crime: Crime


Corporate Crime, Crimes Against Animals Humanity & Nature, Cyber, Drugs, Fraud, Hate, Petty, Police, Scams, Sex Crimes, State Crime, Theft, ThoughtCrime, True Crime, Violent Crime, Vivisection, War Crime... + Organized Crime (All Governments, Banksters, Big Pharma, Bush-Clinton-Royal Families, CFR, CIA, DoD, 5-Eyes, Insurance, IRS, Lobbyists, Mafias, Monopolies, NSA, NWO, Pedo-Rings, Prison Industry, SWAT, Totalitarianism, Usury, Wall St, Yellow Journalism, Zionism)

18,131 subscribers18,132 subscribers18,134 subscribers, a community for 5 years

/s/RulingClass: Ruling Class

Ruling Class

may include: Banksters, City Of London Inc., Congress, Corporatocracy, Democrat, Elites, Globalism, Hegemony, Hollywood, Illuminati, Kakistocracy, Mecca, Monopolies, NeoCons (Neo-Conservatives / Neo-Liberals), New World Order, Oligarchs, Parliament, Pedophocracy, Political Puppets, Presidents, Prime Ministers, Rockefellers, Royals, Senate, Technocracy, Totalitarianism, Trust Fund Babies, Wall Street, Washington Consensus, Washington D.C., Vatican, Ziocons

17,806 subscribers17,807 subscribers17,809 subscribers, a community for 5 years

/s/PsyOps: PsyOps - Psychological Operations

PsyOps - Psychological Operations

PsyOps are psychological operations to convey selected information and indicators to audiences to influence their emotions, motives, and objective reasoning, and ultimately the behavior of governments, organizations, groups, and individuals.

17,604 subscribers17,605 subscribers17,607 subscribers, a community for 5 years

/s/USIsrael: US Israel Relations

US Israel Relations

This critical relationship demands focus with a dedicated sub, not to be confused nor conflated with pros and cons of each nation nor their citizens.

Civil criticisms of the governments, policies, and their actions are welcome. Anti-Semitism won't be tolerated nor lazy use of "the Jews". Be specific or be blocked.

It's fair to say, "Zionists have a superiority complex belief in a right to deceive, enslave, and exploit humanity, and murder goyim as they see fit."

17,545 subscribers17,546 subscribers17,548 subscribers, a community for 5 years

/s/PoliticalAnalysis: Political Analysis - how and why

Political Analysis

Understanding how and why are just as important as knowing who said or did what, where, and when for a fuller picture.

"Mainstream" corporate political news rarely provides much context by critically breaking down reports, statements, ideas, dogmas, tribalism, leaders, actions, policies, economics, class, division, manipulation, exploitation, corruption, extermination, wars, technology, history, and the politics of our world.

15,894 subscribers15,895 subscribers15,897 subscribers, a community for 5 years

/s/Race_DivisionByElites: Race_DivisionByElites - racism, race-related issues, and exposing ruling class social engineering


About all racism, race-related issues, and exposing social engineering by the ruling class to disrupt, divide, and dominate.

Most of humanity are stupider than average or very close to average, so unfortunately most people can't see deeply - past superficiality, propaganda, manipulation, unfairness, injustice, exploitation, and eugenics.

13,476 subscribers13,477 subscribers13,479 subscribers, a community for 5 years

/s/ClassWar: ClassWar = Machiavellianism is the world's greatest problem.


Machiavellianism is the world's greatest problem.

Chaos, suffering, debt, division, tribal political theater, saber rattling, fake news, real wars, propaganda, censorship, psy-ops, social engineering, and manufactured consent... All giant DISTRACTIONS preventing us from organizing resistance to the exploitative and murderous ruling class orchestrating it all. Nothing matters more than rejecting the corrupt matrix of rigged systems and those leading at the top.

33 subscribers34 subscribers36 subscribers, a community for 3 years

/s/Israelexposed: Israel Exposed: Coalition of anti-war, anti-hate and anti-Zionism dissidents.

Determinately compromise with defending the fundamental civil and human rights of Palestinians. Therefore we decisively and tenaciously stand for peace, justice, freedom, equality and dignity for all, regardless of religion, ethnicity or sexual orientation ; as human beings we recognize and cherish our common humanity.

30 subscribers31 subscribers33 subscribers, a community for 4 years

/s/Corporatocracy: Corporatocracy = Capitalism + Communism merged with Big Business into a New Normal World Order


The Big Government "Capitalist" and "Communist" lines have blurred and merged into one globalist Zionist totalitarianist "New Normal World Order", fusing with billionaire and oligarch owned Big Business into humanity's worst dystopian Orwellian nightmare: the technocratic Corporatocracy.

27 subscribers28 subscribers30 subscribers, a community for 3 years

/s/Tyranny: Tyranny


21 subscribers22 subscribers24 subscribers, a community for 3 years