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/s/conspiracyundone: r/conspiracyundone

1) No shills. 2) No topminds users. 3) No low-effort posts 4) Collegial discussion (If you disagree with somebody, do not attack) 5) You can absolutely xpost from other conspiracy subs 6) All views are welcome!

21,341 subscribers21,342 subscribers21,344 subscribers, a community for 6 years

/s/C_S_T: C_S_T - Critical Shower Thoughts

C_S_T - Critical Shower Thoughts, a safe place to discuss outside-of-the-box thinking.

21,229 subscribers21,230 subscribers21,232 subscribers, a community for 6 years

/s/Soulnexus: Soulnexus

Enlightenment, Hidden Knowledge

20,930 subscribers20,931 subscribers20,933 subscribers, a community for 6 years

/s/Antipsychiatry: psychiatry is social control

Against the human rights violations and pharmaceutical corruption of psychiatry, as well as its inherently abusive purpose as a tool of social control.

20,692 subscribers20,693 subscribers20,695 subscribers, a community for 6 years

/s/kratom: kratom

A place for kratomites to discuss all things kratom!

20,527 subscribers20,528 subscribers20,530 subscribers, a community for 6 years

/s/11MRadio: 11 Meter radio - The real CB radio sub

This sub is for everything CB radio, enjoy your stay :)

20,190 subscribers20,191 subscribers20,193 subscribers, a community for 6 years

/s/WayOfTheBern: Feel the Bern!

We don't see politics along a left/right divide, we see politics along a top/bottom divide.

19,880 subscribers19,881 subscribers19,883 subscribers, a community for 5 years