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/s/Crime: Crime


Corporate Crime, Crimes Against Animals Humanity & Nature, Cyber, Drugs, Fraud, Hate, Petty, Police, Scams, Sex Crimes, State Crime, Theft, ThoughtCrime, True Crime, Violent Crime, Vivisection, War Crime... + Organized Crime (All Governments, Banksters, Big Pharma, Bush-Clinton-Royal Families, CFR, CIA, DoD, 5-Eyes, Insurance, IRS, Lobbyists, Mafias, Monopolies, NSA, NWO, Pedo-Rings, Prison Industry, SWAT, Totalitarianism, Usury, Wall St, Yellow Journalism, Zionism)

18,131 subscribers18,132 subscribers18,134 subscribers, a community for 5 years

/s/FLOSS: FLOSS - Free / Libré & Open-Source Software


Free / Libré & Open-Source Software

13,495 subscribers13,496 subscribers13,498 subscribers, a community for 5 years

/s/OpenScience_Scientism: OpenScience_Scientism - transparent process of discovery VS faith in proprietary corporate secrets


The transparent process of discovery to share knowledge VS blind faith in proprietary corporate secrets for profit and control.

9,506 subscribers9,507 subscribers9,509 subscribers, a community for 5 years

/s/GreenParty: GreenParty - The Green Party is a global political movement, nuanced from region to region.


The Green Party is a global political movement, nuanced from region to region, and this forum may discuss all Green Party issues, ideas, alternatives, solutions, and more.

13 subscribers14 subscribers16 subscribers, a community for 4 years