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/s/VigtesSickofThisShit: Vigte's: So sick of this shit!

A place to discuss the absolute retarded state of the world and the things that are considered "normal" within it.

18,018 subscribers18,019 subscribers18,021 subscribers, a community for 5 years

/s/ThatsRetarded: A place to highlight the retarded stuff in our world

Not a place to make fun of people with Downs or anything. I've met some of those dudes and they're some of the least retarded people I've ever seen. No, I'm talking about stupid people saying or doing stupid things, like thinking they're amazing because they made up their own pronouns.

27 subscribers28 subscribers30 subscribers, a community for 3 years

/s/AltTech: Alt-Tech

A place to discuss and promote alt-tech platforms in the age of big tech monopolies.

27 subscribers28 subscribers30 subscribers, a community for 4 years

/s/testing_sub3: How to Stop Using IP2

A desriptib of the sub im making

21 subscribers22 subscribers24 subscribers, a community for 4 years

/s/okbuddyretard: Cowboy Peepoop

r/okbuddyretard but without /u/kirbizia

17 subscribers18 subscribers20 subscribers, a community for 4 years

/s/StupidLeft: Retarded Left

Just a sub to post dumb ass retarded shit the left does

16 subscribers17 subscribers19 subscribers, a community for 3 years

/s/IncelTearTears: Because exposing inkwells will get you laid

Part-mocking, part-watchdog sub documenting the insane mentalities of dangerous inceltears users.

RULE 1: Soy posters will be banned on sight, no exceptions

RULE2: No cucked messages (i.e. PERSONALITY IS WHY U INKWELL)

RULE3: Any anti-virgin comments will result in ban

(Satire of IncelTears)

3 subscribers4 subscribers6 subscribers, a community for 5 years

/s/mallninjashit: For shitty weapons that mall ninjas like

This is a sub for all the ugly mall ninja knives and retarded tacticool bullshit and useless fantasy crap that the mall ninjas like.

2 subscribers3 subscribers5 subscribers, a community for 2 years

/s/LaughAtTheRetards: Laugh at the Retards

Let's all join to laugh at the retards.

1 subscriber2 subscribers4 subscribers, a community for 1 month