AsianMasculinity is CUCKED #80: More xm and the same eunuch simp f&gg0ts allowed on r/ am cause the Hong KUCK "MoDs" need users to be castrated like themselves by Chousiyindu in AsianIdentityWatch

[–]Chousiyindu[S] 1 insightful - 1 fun1 insightful - 0 fun2 insightful - 1 fun -  (0 children)

Asian men are now the first choice of Asian being the second choice everytime OC self.AsianMasculinity

submitted 1 day ago by accountistempo

I know some of you rejoiced when a recent study claimed that Asian men are now the top choice of Asian women. I'm sorry to burst your bubble but when looked at more carefully, things aren't actually that great. According to the study that was featured on the Fung Bros, Asian women constantly ranked non-Asian men over Asian men. However, they gave Asian guys second place in their rankings. Because of this, when it comes to overall average, Asian men scored highest. This makes it seem it seem that AF are now more accepting of AM, but in reality, AM are still the backup option. The only AF who ranked AM above others were the non-political ones. This is in-line with what I claimed in one of my past posts-- which some of you disagreed with

[–]Zealousideal-Ad6165 14 points 1 day ago

Lol they wish

Exactly. They know they are seen as "easy" and "not beautiful" to the most attractive WM and therefore can never compete with WF for their attention and love. What's the alternative? To have the same outlook and preferences as the average MSM watching WF.

[–]Advanced_80 -7 points 22 hours ago

They know they are seen as "easy" and "not beautiful" to the most attractive WM and therefore can never compete with WF for their attention and love.

No they aren't. AF are considered the most attractive and more desired. They have higher self esteem than White women.

One study found that East Asian women in the United States are closer to the ideal figure promoted in Western media, and that East Asian women conform to both Western and Eastern influences in the United States.[112][113] East Asian men were found to be more impacted by Western beauty ideals then East Asian women, in the United States. East Asian men felt as though their bodies were not large enough and therefore deviated from the Western norm.[114] East Asian men and white Western women were found to have the highest levels of body dissatisfaction in the United States.[115]

[–]Hot-Eagle-8175 12 points 17 hours ago Not even AF themselves believe that lmfao. AF simps like you are completely off the rails.

[–]ElimDegens 6 points 12 hours ago it's a white or black "passport bro" on an AM forum for whatever reason

[–]Hot-Eagle-8175 3 points 12 hours ago lmao

[–]ElimDegens 3 points 12 hours ago if they start citing studies about how apparently AF are all so popular and shit and most desired over WF than you've probably identified one of those sex pests. it's crazy because we get accused of spiting AF but the amount of spite they have for WF is insane and dysfunctional

[–]TinyAznDragon 28 points 1 day ago We are #1 for being the #2 - No Thanks.

[–]flippy_disk 22 points 21 hours ago "Bu-but not all Asian women!" Honestly, I would be glad if those Asian men who simp for Asian women died alone because they are the ones giving birth to the next round of East/Southeast girls that become like this.

[–]owlficus -6 points 13 hours ago what the heck? If you parent/brother correctly, an AF daughter wouldn’t be self hating. but anyway are you saying you’d rather breed out Asian Americans by not dating AFs than risk the chance of having a self hating daughter? That’s wild.

[–]owlficus 1 point 13 hours ago Flawed study on some many levels, and flawed conclusions you are all drawing: - study is asking women who they prefer to date, not an actual study of who they’re dating. In this woke culture of course Gen Z are gonna shy away from saying WM. of course they will feel pressured to say BM or LM so as to not appear anti black/brown and of course they will put AMs as #2 so as to not appear insular. LMs are gonna be ranked most attractive on surveys when asked, because they’re not black and not white. They are the safe woke choice. Not to mention these random AF “researchers” prob fudged some nbrs to fit their agenda. This “study” is no different than those dick size surveys- with western men self reporting inflated nbrs and Asian men being more truthful/non obsessed with their nbrs The only objective figure we have is the census, with 46% of AFs marrying Asian- which is an incredibly high percentage given that it can easily be just 3% from population demographics alone

[–]Viend 9 points 1 day ago In the time it took for you to look this up and write up the post you could have gone out and met another woman, but instead you chose to externalize your problems. Do you think the Asian immigrants to the US in the late 19th century sat around opium dens complaining about how white men had it easy? Nah, they just accepted that they were playing the game on a harder difficulty and went out and found successes anyway. They’d be rolling in their graves going through all the hardships to get a better life for their descendants only to see their great grandchildren blaming Asian women of all people for their difficulties.

Every fucking time cancer cell nutless eunuch f&gg0ts are on the mod board of these "Pro-AsIANn" subs, the xm, Lus, sjws, and simps start flowing in.